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AMMC: results of production activities for January

08 February 2024, 9:48 805

For the first month of 2024, the workforce of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine fulfilled the forecast indicators.

In particular, the forecast target for the production of marketable products was fulfilled by 127.0%.

The task for ore mining by the Kalmakyr mine administration was completed by 102.0%, the growth rate was 127.3%.

The growth rate for processing copper raw materials was +105.5%. In achieving this forecast, it is worth special mentioning the team of copper concentration plant MOF-2. The employees of MOF-2 completed this task by 113.5%.

The task for the production of copper cathode, which is the main product of AMMC, was completed 100%. The targets for the production of copper and zinc from our own raw materials were also met.

The labor collective of the Khandiza mine administration completed tasks for the extraction of polymetallic ore (103.9%), its processing (101.3%), and the zinc content in zinc concentrate (105.8%).

In addition, employees of the Angren and Chadak mine administrations and the Kauldy mine completed tasks for the extraction of gold ore, its processing, and the content of the first and second metals in the concentrate.

It is worth noting that the forecast indicators for the production of copper sulfate, technical selenium and tellurium, ammonium perrhenate, palladium powder, and molybdenum trioxide have been achieved.

Export targets were also met. In particular, in January 2024, products worth 31,101,000 US dollars were exported, the forecast in this direction was fulfilled by 103.2%.

By product: 24,054 tons of copper products (101.2%), 964 tons of zinc products (101.7%), 381 tons of copper sulfate (128.3%), 72 tons of molybdenum products (120%) were exported to foreign consumers.

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