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Almalyk MMC: results of production activities for 4 months

05 May 2022, 15:3 1754

A meeting was held in the executive office of the Almalyk MMC under the leadership of Abdulla Khursanov, Chairman of the Board, Almalyk MMC JSC. The event was dedicated to the performance results of the plant for 4 months of 2022 and the tasks for the near future.

The meeting was attended by managers and responsible persons of the structural divisions of the plant.

During the event, it was noted that as of January-April of the current year, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex has met all the forecast production indicators. In particular, during the reporting period, the plant produced marketable products in the amount 10,666.5 billion UZS, the forecast was fulfilled by 121.8%. Compared to the same period last year, the growth rate is 118.5%.

Good results were noted in the export of manufactured products. In particular, exports of products worth $345.9 million were carried out, the forecast was fulfilled by 148.3%. Payments to the state budget amounted to 4,561.1 billion UZS, the forecast was fulfilled by 193.9%. Over the past 4 months, AMMC has achieved a net profit of 2,361.2 billion UZS, the forecast in this sphere was fulfilled by 130.2%.

The plant is also carrying out effective work on the implementation of the Localization Program. Within the framework of the Program, products worth 89.0 billion UZS were manufactured, the fulfillment of the forecast is 135.3%.

As part of the implementation of investment projects, 78.2 million US dollars have been disbursed, the forecast is fulfilled by 100.8%.

In terms of products, 45,365 tons of copper was produced, the forecast is 100% fulfilled. The forecast indicators for the production of gold and silver are also fulfilled.

Over the past period, 267,299 tons of sulfuric acid were produced, the forecast is fulfilled by 101.1%. The forecast for the production of molybdenum trioxide was fulfilled by 108.2%, 364.1 tons of this product were produced.

Information Service

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