According to the results of 2024, the team of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex fulfilled all the forecast indicators for the export of manufactured products.
In particular, in 2024, the products worth a total of 610,852,000 USD were exported, the forecast was fulfilled by 111.1%.
In terms of products, 51,698 tons of copper products were delivered to foreign consumers during the reporting period, the forecast was fulfilled by 132.6%. 15,183 tons of lead concentrate were exported (the forecast was fulfilled by 121.5%) and 760 tons of molybdenum products (the forecast was fulfilled by 109.3%).
The tasks for the export of rhenium, cadmium, copper sulfate, and palladium powder were also fulfilled.
For reference: in 2024, the AMMC team faced the task of exporting products worth 550.0 million USD, which was accomplished in mid-November.
The geography of exports is expanding year after year. Currently, the plant's products are exported to 19 countries. Foreign partners are mainly supplied with copper, zinc, molybdenum, rhenium, lead concentrate, cadmium, and palladium powder. In 2024, new sales markets were developed. In particular, AMMC products are exported to countries such as Guinea, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa, Morocco, and Portugal.