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AMMC: export forecast is fulfilled by 150.5%

07 May 2022, 12:40 1235

For 4 months of 2022, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant has achieved good results in exports.

It should be noted that in January-April 2022, AMMC exported products in the amount 350 million 995 thousand US dollars. The forecast was fulfilled by 150.5%. The growth rate compared to the same period last year amounted to 101.9%.

25,705 tons of copper products were exported, the forecast is fulfilled by 125.4%.

24,100 tons of copper cathode were delivered to foreign consumers, the forecast in this direction is fulfilled by 140.1%. The forecast for the export of copper pipes is fulfilled by 107.1%, 1606 tons of this product were exported.

Good results were also noted in the export of zinc products. In this direction, the forecast is fulfilled by 146.4%, 19,032 tons of these products were delivered. 18,782 tons of metal zinc were exported (the forecast is fulfilled by 144.5%).

An excellent result has been achieved in the export of cadmium metal. The task is completed by 705%, 141 tons of these products were delivered to foreign consumers. 285 tons of molybdenum products were sold (the forecast is fulfilled by 178%).

It should be noted that a good result is observed in the export of lead concentrate. Thus, during the reporting period, 9,935 tons of these products were exported to foreign partners (the forecast is fulfilled by 331.2%).

For reference, the geography of exports of products manufactured by the plant covers such countries as Turkey, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Poland, Tajikistan, Indonesia, the Netherlands, China, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

Information Service

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