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Results of the implementation of the Localization Program at AMMC for 2 months of 2024

15 March 2024, 9:8 596

At the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, much attention is paid to developing the production of import-substituting products. In particular, the company is effectively implementing the Localization Program.

Thus, in January-February 2024, 223 projects produced products worth 239.3 billion UZS, fulfillment of the forecast (213.5 billion UZS) in this direction amounted to 112.1%.

It is worth noting that as part of the implementation of the Localization Program, import-substituting products worth USD 19.2 million were produced.

As part of new projects, localized products worth 178.2 billion UZS were produced (forecast 176.5 billion UZS). In particular, for 98 projects, the team of the Central Mechanical Repair Plant produced products worth 10.6 billion UZS.

The scientific and production association for the production of rare metals and hard alloys produced products worth 21.3 billion UZS under 31 projects.

Also, as part of the construction of copper processing plant-3, products worth 98.8 billion UZS were produced, production of explosives – worth 37.1 billion UZS, and mechanical repair areas – worth 5.3 billion UZS.

In addition, over the past two months, products produced under the Localization Program were exported in the amount of USD1.1 million.

Due to industrial cooperation and the “take in tow” mechanism, in January-February of this year, products worth 166.9 billion UZS were purchased from local manufacturers. The forecast in this direction was fulfilled by 132%.

Fruitful work is also being carried out to develop the production of new types of import-substituting products. In particular, in order to develop previously imported products, “Almalyk Foundry and Mechanical Plant” LLC began production of more than 40 types of foundry products (300 billion UZS).

The joint venture “DIT AGMK” has established the production of various geocomposite and polymer products, fiberglass, pipes and containers (32.4 billion UZS).

Along with this, in the second half of this year the production of conveyor rollers will be launched at the Intercon Rollers joint venture with a capacity of 15 thousand rollers per month, which will fully satisfy the needs of the plant.

As part of the machine tool production project, the construction work of the Avantec joint venture has been completed. Currently, work is underway on the delivery and installation of equipment.

In 2024, within the framework of the Localization Program, it is planned to implement 268 projects and produce products totaling 1,502.3 billion UZS.

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