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Occupational health and industrial safety are above all!

23 April 2024, 10:47 877

Issues of labor protection and industrial safety are under the special control of the management and the Trade Union Council of JSC “Almalyk MMC”. An example of this was the meeting held on April 19 in the hall of the Almalyk branch of NRTU “MISA”.

The extended meeting, chaired by the Chief Engineer of JSC “Almalyk MMC” Sergei Larionov, was attended by managers responsible for health and safety, trade union leaders, labor protection representatives of workshops and divisions, chief specialists of the AMMC, representatives of the Trade Union Council, inspections for the control of mining, geological and Industrial Safety under the Ministry of Mining Industry and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The report “On the results of work on health and safety of JSC “Almalyk MMC” for the first quarter of 2024 and tasks for the second quarter of 2024” was made by the deputy chief engineer for labor protection and industrial safety - head of the labor protection and industrial safety department of JSC “Almalyk MMC” Shukhrat Juraev

In his speech, the speaker noted those activities that were carried out according to plan during the reporting period. I.e. work aimed at improving working conditions and labor protection, preventive work to prevent occupational injuries.

During the reporting period, the Health and Safety Department conducted 9 audits and 10 operational-targeted inspections, and identified 827 violations of labor protection and industrial safety requirements, 60% of which were of an organizational nature and 40% of a technical nature. Based on the results of the inspections, 14 orders were issued and 89 managers and specialists were brought to disciplinary liability. Based on the results of special investigations into accidents, 5 orders were issued and 30 managers and specialists were brought to disciplinary liability.

341 violations were identified in the mining divisions of the complex, of which 47% (160) were of an organizational nature and 53% (181) of a technical nature. In the processing and metallurgical divisions, 260 violations were identified, of which 49% (132) were of an organizational nature and 51% (128) of a technical nature. 228 violations were identified for transport departments, of which 61% (99) were of an organizational nature and 39% (129) of a technical nature.

Next, an analysis was carried out of the work of the plant’s divisions to improve working conditions and ensure industrial safety.

In the first quarter of 2024, there were 3 accidents at the Plant, of which 1 was serious and 2 were fatal. Accidents occurred in ARU: (1 fatal), TOMK: (1 fatal), ShSU: (1 severe.)

In addition, an analysis was carried out of preventive medical examination and general morbidity at the complex for the first quarter of 2024

Speaking about the tasks for the second quarter of this year, it was planned to strengthen control over the state of labor protection, industrial safety and the prevention of occupational diseases in the structural divisions of the complex. Taking tough measures against employees who violate labor safety requirements, including the removal of the contract form of remuneration for a certain period.

- It is planned to continue work to improve the unified electronic database in the field of occupational health and safety “Health protection and occupational safety” and “Hazardous production facilities”. Creation of an electronic library of regulatory and technical documentation on health and safety.

- And also - complete the development of videos on conducting briefings based on modern information technologies and the development of promotional photo banners on accidents that occurred at the plant over the past 5 years

In addition, together with the DAP, it is planned to gradually introduce electronic logs of 1-2 levels of control, issuance of work orders, registration of workplace briefings, etc. in the structural divisions of the plant;

- phased introduction of an electronic medical examination system (EMES) at certain structural divisions of the plant;

- development of an information system and a unified database for maintaining records of persons caused by harm, injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of their work duties.

During the meeting, the responsible persons in whose departments accidents and violations in labor safety were registered also spoke.

Summing up the meeting, those present were urged to make every effort to improve labor protection and compliance with industrial safety standards and requirements.

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