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Digitalization and automation – ensuring higher efficiency

03 June 2022, 13:22 1808

On April 14, 2022 at the meeting held under the leadership of Sh.M. Mirziyoyev the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding the effectiveness of reforms in the development of information technologies and the digital economy as well as the tasks to be implemented in the field during 2022-2023 years, the head of state gave a wide range of tasks to the leaders of sectors and fileds. In order to ensure the execution of these tasks, significant work is being carried out at the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex.

This was fully informed at the meeting held on June 1, 2022 at the Almalyk branch of Natural Researches and Technology University MISIS under the leadership of Abdulla Azizov Deputy Chairman of the Management of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex for Digitization.

During the past 5 months of this year, the works carried out in the field of automation and information technologies at the complex and the tasks to be performed in 2022 were discussed.

Ravshan Maksumov the head of the Department of Information Technologies speaking at the event, gave a report on the work done in the field. In particular, during the reporting period, within the framework of the transformation of "Almalyk MMC" JSC, according to the order of January 26, 2022, the work plan consisting from 27 measures (for 234 billion sum) aimed at increasing the level of automation of business processes and technological processes of the complex has been approved and more than 30 additional projects are being implemented.

In particular, electronic document control and e-mail systems have been improved at the complex based on Directum RX and MS Exchange software. As a result, 2,000 users were systematized, the exchange of paper documents was reduced by 50 percent, and it was possible to do it electronically from computers and smartphone applications.

Software of mining geological complex information system (Grade control: Datamine Studio NPVS i Ore Controller) was installed. As a result, a single digital database of the mine was created for surveyors, miners and geologists, and the accuracy of reserve accounting was increased based on the international JORC code.

The paper ration cards issued to 6,000 employees at the Copper Enrichment Plant and the Copper Smelting Plant were replaced with electronic cards and the "E-Talon" information system was launched. This made it possible to avoid paper receipts and to run the report automatically.

An automated information system of accounting, financial reporting and data consolidation was introduced, and a single reporting information system was created for 46 structural divisions of the complex. As a result, the time spent on collecting reports and data, planning the budget was reduced by 50 percent, and errors in data were reduced.

Also, reports on materials, wages, basic funds, business trip expenses and suppliers, contractors, and services were transferred to electronic form. As a result, 83 percent of paper documents were optimized, that is, 41 types of paper documents were reduced to 7 types. The rest will be digitized soon, and starting from June, it is expected to save more than 50,000 sheets of A4 paper per month and 600,000 sheets per year throughout the plant.

Based on the Wialon software, additional 450 vehicles were systematized, and licenses were purchased for the transport GPS monitoring and fuel control system. Including, 2,200 pieces of vehicles of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex have been equipped and reporting forms are being conducted in Realtime.

In order to expand the target audience, the main website of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex has been improved and developed in a new design. As a result, more than 300 daily unique visitors and more than 1200 daily pageviews were achieved.

An automatic process control system was introduced in 10 furnaces of the Hydrometallurgy shop of the scientific production association for the production of rare metals and hard alloys. As a result, it was possible to run technological processes in an optimal mode and to control deviations from technological regulations.

An information system for controlling the loading and dispatch of finished products was introduced at the Sherabad cement plant. As a result, loading documents made it possible to receive operatively from special symbols, and operations were automatically taken from cameras, scales, and service speed was increased by 2 times.

Uninterruptible power sources and diesel-generator devices were installed and updated in order to prevent an average of 9 power outages (30 hours in total) in the data processing center (server rooms) of the executive machine.

The new organizational structure of the Department of Production Automation at Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex and the organizational structures of the departments of automation of production technological processes at NMvQQICh (NPO), at the Zinc Plant, at the Angren Mining Department were redesigned and optimized.

Also, in order to solve the users' problems related to computers, hardware, software and measuring instruments, HelpDesk and information systems for accounting for the repair of measuring instruments were developed and introduced. As a result, maintenance of more than 7,500 devices, reception (monitoring) of electronic requests and paper documents were reduced from 7 to 2.

Within the framework of digitization, the complex has established cooperation with a number of prestigious international companies, educational institutions and international organizations based on memorandums, contracts and agreements.

In particular, the representatives of "AVEVA" and "Schneider Electric" signed a memorandum of understanding on the introduction of MES-systems at Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex. Representatives of the company "Becker Mining Systems AG" (Germany) organized meetings on improving the skills of IT specialists of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex JSC and sharing experience.

In addition, in cooperation with "Partners and Performance" company, he presented his projects on increasing production efficiency. "Partners and Performance" has established itself as one of the leading consulting companies in the mining and metallurgical industry, having implemented more than 1,000 projects on six continents. The main directions of the company are optimization of operational activities, improvement of efficiency of capital and investment projects, optimization of procurement activities and digital transformation.

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the German SIEMENS company and Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex. Mainly, the goals of using centralized security systems and microprocessor locking systems for the automation of railway facilities, establishing a laboratory at the branch of MISiS in Almalyk for training students and employees of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex were set.

A joint meeting of experts of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex and BCG consulting company was held. It was decided to hold additional WorkShop-training for IT specialists after discussing issues of prospective development of digitization at the complex.

Also, with the company "OMEGALYANS" (Operations Management Engineering Alliance), a meeting was held on registration of an NDA document in order to develop MES - operational management concept of production, detailed planning of energy management, chemical industry, reduction of losses in production and material balance accounting.

Today, Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex signed a memorandum on 3-way cooperation between "Datamine International Limited" International Company, MISiS and Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex on organizing short-term professional training courses for personnel according to international standards.

A motivational seminar-training on the topic Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex - towards digital transformation" and educational events on the topic "1S ERP: procurement processes and warehouses" were organized in the Almalyk branch of MISiS.

In addition, during their visit to the "Astrum" Academy, Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex specialists got acquainted with the educational process and conditions created for IT specialists. The plans of "Astrum" Academy to familiarize programmers with the IT projects, production and automation processes implemented in Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex and to attract them to work in the future have been determined.

A meeting was held with the management and professors of Tashkent State Transport University. Targeted personnel training for Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, scientific work in the field of transport and other issues of cooperation were discussed.

In addition, it is planned to carry out a number of other works within the framework of digitization at Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex.

In particular, by the end of 2022, the implementation of the automated system of dispatch control "Mining Dispatcher" in the "Kyzyl-Alma" and "Razvedochnaya" mines in the Angren Mine Department (Gorniy Dispatcher) using digital technologies in the "Yoshlik-I" and "Kalmokgyr" mines, production processes are optimized and productivity is increased.

It is also planned to modernize and introduce TJBTA (ASUTP) systems (Angren Mining Department, Copper Enrichment Factory, Copper Smelting Plant, Khandiza Mining Department), to introduce an automated information system.

In addition, introduction of a unified automated information system for the objects of acceptance of fuel and lubricants and distribution to transport equipment, modernization of the IT infrastructure is also defined.

A number of results are expected with the implementation of digitization projects at Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex.

In particular, a unified information space (ERP system) of complexd business processes will be created, a rapid management system will be established in the execution of mining operations, and the volume of rock transportation will be increased by 10 percent, operational costs in mines will be reduced by 5-10 percent, and fuel consumption will be reduced by 10 percent. Equipment safety in underground mines will be increased, all documents will be kept only in electronic form, and the information and communication infrastructure will be improved.

During the event, suggestions and comments were made by experts.

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