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Meeting on the results of 2023 on occupational health and industrial safety

24 January 2024, 9:48 840

On January 18, in the “Metallurg” Palace of Culture, a meeting was held on the state of affairs in labor protection and industrial safety in the divisions of AMMC based on the results of 2023.

Issues of labor protection and industrial safety are under the special control of management and the Trade Union Council of AMMC Workers. In an extended meeting chaired by Sergei Larionov, acting First Deputy Chairman of the Board and Chief Engineer of Almalyk MMC managers responsible for occupational health and safety, trade union leaders, labor protection representatives of workshops and departments, chief specialists of the AMMC, representatives of the Trade Union Council, and representatives of "Sanoatgeokontekhnazorat" state inspection took participation.

The agenda included the following issues:

  • Work carried out in 2023 in the field of labor protection and industrial safety at Almalyk MMC JSC, and objectives set for 2024;
  • a report on measures aimed at preventing accidents at work in structural divisions and personal responsibility of managers for its prevention;
  • analysis of preventive work aimed at preventing occupational diseases in structural units, as well as the implementation of approved activities;
  • additional measures that need to be carried out in structural units for high-quality medical examinations, as well as preventive work aimed at preventing occupational diseases.

During the meeting, it was noted that in 2023, 148.2 billion UZS were allocated for the implementation of comprehensive measures in the field of labor protection. Currently, AMMC employs 35,242 employees, including 7,994 women; 24,657 employees work in unfavorable working conditions, including 3,485 women. Employees working in unfavorable working conditions are provided with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment. During the year, 608 workplaces were certified for compliance with safe working conditions. The plant's employees underwent preventive medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure.

In their speeches, the speakers noted those activities that were carried out according to plan during the reporting period, i.e. activities aimed at improving working conditions and labor protection, preventive work to prevent industrial injuries. Those present were also acquainted with the results of operational and comprehensive inspections at the plant’s enterprises.

An analysis of industrial injuries showed that most cases are the result of the fact that organizational work was not carried out at the proper level. Occupational health and safety at an enterprise play an important role. In 2023, some progress has been made in this area.

Summing up the meeting, those present were urged to make every effort to improve labor protection and compliance with industrial safety standards and requirements.

At the end of the event, 44 occupational health and safety engineers who completed online training courses on the topic “Advanced training in the field of occupational safety” from September 25 to 29, 2023 were awarded the corresponding certificates. The training courses were arranged by the AMMC Training Center in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction.


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