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Integration of education and industry helps adaptation

31 October 2023, 13:17 541

During the visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the city of Bekobad, a special initiative on the integration of education in the field of metallurgy and mining industry was presented and a number of tasks were defined. In order to ensure the performance of these tasks, the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex is carrying out effective works. In order to integrate production and education, branches of departments of MTTU MISiS Almalyk branch are being established in the structural divisions of the complex.

Such a branch of the department has been established recently at the Zinc plant. University teachers, Farrukh Utanov Director of Zinc plant, Doniyor Karimov Head of educational center and students took part in the opening ceremony of this branch.

- Doniyor Karimov said that this branch of the department is a structural link of the Department of Metallurgy and Automation of Production of MTTU MISiS, Almalyk branch, where students receive training from teachers of higher educational institutions and production specialists based on a set schedule. This will give us practical help in training qualified specialists first of all. It reduces the time of adaptation of young specialists to the production process. Along with theoretical training, students get to know the production process closely and adapt to the production process in a short period of time. For the implementation of investment projects implemented at the complex, highly qualified specialists are definitely needed. This dual education system was learned from Germany and is being implemented in the education system of Uzbekistan. If we take the example of college students, according to the schedule, they will spend 4 days in production to acquire practical knowledge, and 2 days will receive theoretical knowledge in college.  We have agreed with the higher education institution that the hours of a certain subject will be spent in the branches of the department during production. Belgilagan fanni tugatgandan keyin, ishlab chiqarishga chiqib ketadi. Yana bir yangiliklardan biri, joriy yilda oliy ta'lim muassasalarining 124 nafar talabalardan dual guruhi shakllantirilib, ularga 1 razryad bilan oylik ish haqi ham berildi. This allows them to show themselves in production and education.

Currently, in this direction, cooperation has been established with educational institutions such as AMMC and Tashkent State Technical University of Almalyk branch, University of Geological Sciences, Almalyk College of Mining and Metallurgy.

We remind you that such a branch of the department was established at the Central Repair Mechanics Plant.

Shahlo Karimova,

Master of production education

of the educational center

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