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28 April 2023, 9:37 1783

The event on this topic, timed to coincide with the World Day of Occupational Safety and Health, was held on April 27 at the Central Mechanical Repair Plant of the AMMC.

Speaking at the seminar, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Almalyk MMC JSC, Chief Engineer Sergey Larionov congratulated the industry specialists on their professional holiday, and stressed that the issues of labor protection and safety, which are important and relevant at any enterprise, are given great attention at the plant. Shukhrat Juraev, Deputy Chief Engineer for Health and Safety, told the audience in detail about the work carried out at the plant in this direction.

Sincere wishes to the representatives of the industry were also expressed by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Trade Union of AMMC Workers Omonkul Beknazarov.

After that, the guests of the event were presented with a video “Dad, Mom, take care of yourself!”, Prepared by pupils of preschool educational organizations of the management of social facilities.

During the event, a group of employees of the plant, distinguished by their activity and initiative in the field of labor protection, were awarded certificates of honor and valuable gifts.

The organizers also held a mini-competition-quiz on occupational health and safety, the winners of which were awarded with valuable prizes.

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