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Ore of the new year

13 January 2023, 13:42 1000

Mining the first ores of 2023, pouring the first cathode coppers is both a responsibility and an honor. Below, we will reflect on the labor teams that took the first courageous step towards new goals at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex from the first seconds of the new year.

Copper-porphyry gold and molybdenum-containing ores from the Kalmokgyr and Sarik-Chokki mines provide raw materials for the Complexd copper production complex. In the field of mining, the opening of the upper layers is an important factor in creating a working front for new ore fields, reaching minerals, and their effective use. Until now, special attention has been paid to opening the upper layers in AMMC. It is not without reason that the BelAZ auto-lifters with a high load capacity of up to 200 tons, which were first purchased by the Complex, are mobilized to remove the top layer rocks. To date, the extraction of fossils in the upper layers quarry, which is headed by Polat Dushaboyev, has been carried out by a Complexd method.

Mining master Oybek Ismailov is one of the youngest and energetic engineers and technicians of the quarry. It was the shift he was leading that started mining at the quarry on the night of December 31st to January 1st. On the eve of the New Year, information about the readiness of equipment for tasks began to arrive from all excavation and drilling brigades. Alexey Bundin, the operator of the excavator No. 3, and his assistant Jasur Abduvayitov, based on the technological maps, began to load the upper layers onto the motor vehicles. An early morning work summary showed that 3,500 cubic meters of topsoil had been removed by Excavator No3.

Excavator No. 36 under the control of Jahangir Ghaziev and his assistant Doston Abdujabborov was mobilized to add rocks to the railway tracks. During the shift, this brigade managed to load 2750 cubic meters of upper layers into "vertushkas". A few years ago, all the drilling machines, which are important in mining work, were replaced with new modern SBSh-250MN machines. This is still bearing fruit.

Drilling equipment operators Bahadir Abdujabborov, Farhod Mambetov and drilling equipment operator assistants Shavkat Orozboyev and Oktam Karaboev carried out 160-meter drilling operations with the help of drilling equipment No 6 and 22 and completed the shift assignments. The productivity and enthusiasm of the first day of work will undoubtedly be a source of motivation for the surface pit miners throughout the year.

The 4-Railway Department of the Industrial Railway Transport Department has been engaged in the current maintenance of railways and road structures and carrying out capital repair works, now within the framework of the investment programs of the Complex is rapidly mastering the construction of new railways. Overpasses are also serviced by the workshop team.

Saodat Orozova has been working as an overpass crossing guard for six years. The intersection where he is on duty is located at the point where the roads of motor vehicles and railway vehicles intersect. Saodat Orozova is always alert and demanding at the point where not only loaded and unloaded locomotives, but also railway mechanized vehicles, equipment of the technological transport department operating in the quarries are constantly moving. During his twelve-hour duty, he ensures the stable and safe movement of all mining equipment leaving the quarry, regardless of weather conditions. After nearly thirty years of honest work, he was able to raise his children to maturity as people worthy of serving the country. The eldest daughter, Sevara, is an employee of "Ipoteka Bank" Ipoteka Commercial Bank, and her son Zafar is a student of a higher educational institution. The family begins to celebrate the new year on January 1, when Saodat Orozova returns from night duty.

I think that the peace of the country and the increasing power of our country are truly joyful for all mothers like me., - said railway worker on duty on the "golden middle" road connecting the main mine and the processing plants of AMMC. - It makes me proud that I am making a modest contribution along this path.

We will not be mistaken if we point out the copper beneficiation plant as one of the leading enterprises of AMMC in the last decade. Within the framework of the program of reconstruction and stabilization of the production facilities of "Almalik KMK" JSC, the construction of a new 4th circulating water intake collector (KVK-4), 3 LAROX PF 60 press filters, 20 grinders, 30 grinders, 2 The installation and operation of MShS and MShR mills and 17 new pump hydrocyclone equipment served to increase the factory's production capacity. A unique tradition has been forming for the 4th technological shift of the 1st Grinding Shop in the last two years. 2022 was met by Andrey Redkozubov's shift during working hours, and this year, the 4th shift was responsible for receiving and processing the first ores of the new year.

Being directly at work on a holiday has its own advantages, - said Aliya Husainova shift control panel operator. First, responsibility will be double. Second, new experience is gained. The members of our shift are harmonious and united. There is no objection. But still, every working day, especially every working hour on holidays, creates unique situations. And the employees of our technological shift are all tested. They can make the wisest decision in the right situation.

The crushers Muhyiddin and Nizamiddin Torakulov, who received ores in the large crushing complex, carried out their tasks efficiently from the first "vertushka" to the last railway dumcar leaving the large complex. Bektosh Haqnazarov and Abdujalil Nishanov ensured the smooth operation of 8 medium and 16 small grinders, feeders and conveyor belts in the complex of medium and small crushers, which is considered the center of processes. Plumbers-repairmen Abror Mamadokhunov, Olim Toshevlar, in cooperation with electricians Husan Nishonboyev and Roziboy Berdiyevlar, considered all the measures to prevent unnecessary stoppage of technological equipment. The final result was consistent with joint efforts. 20097 tons of ore was received and processed by technological shift No. 4. The condition index was +18 mm. The installation of the first reliable labor victory of the enrichment shift in this year in the MBF will serve as a a solid foundation for the factory to reach new heights based on the putting into operation of 25 new hydrocyclone equipment, 22 concentrators, 114 flotation equipment and 4 thickeners.

The metallurgical stage starts from the grinding and slag preparation section of the metallurgical shop of the copper smelting plant. Flux ores from mines and quarries, quartz flux ores from the Kovuldi mine, gold-containing flotation concentrates from the Angren Mining Department, concentrates from the copper beneficiation factory, copper clinker from the zinc plant containing copper to the furnaces of the metallurgical workshop. it undergoes significant processing at the job site before being loaded.

The quality of the product obtained from melting furnaces and the high economic efficiency and other economic and technical indicators are directly dependent on the process of preparation of solids. Preparation of raw materials for melting is an important and responsible stage of metallurgy. This work site team leaded by Abdurazzoq Hidirboyev ensuring that constancy of the main chemical composition of frosts, a category of chemical minerals and sand composition, the most convenient and preferred size of frost compounds, moisture content that is convenient for melting should not exceed from d=2-5 mm for furnace and should not exceed from  d=0,1 mm for oxygen torch melting furnace.

On the first day of the new year, under the leadership of the shift foreman Oybek Yoldoshev, the tasks of preparation of slag, mixing, storage and delivery to metallurgical processes were successfully completed. On this day, the slag preparers such as Hotamkhan Omilov, Gulnora Mamirova, Nurmuhammad Tashmatov managed to direct more than 1200 tons of slag to metallurgical processes. Tolkin Sharopov, a reloading and mixing machine operator, celebrated the 31st anniversary of the start of his career as a metallurgist on December 31 as a double holiday.

Metallurgy workshop is a hear of Copper-smelting plant, the heart of this workshop is the shapeless, converter-anode section. The department is equipped with 4 converters, diverting anode furnaces, rotary anode machines and 1 granulation furnace. The peculiarities of the constructions of the anode machines, their working capacity, the machines for removing the anodes, the influence of the duration of the castings on the quality of the anodes, all this requires in-depth theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience skills from the melters and anode furnace casters. Anode processing and marking, in general, the processes of flame refining of crude copper are among the most difficult and responsible processes. The output of the entire Complexd production system is revealed in the converter-anode section. For this reason, solvers such as Akmal Samandarov, Alibek Mamatkulov, Sherzod Karshibayev try to deliver solutions that meet all technological requirements to the last stage. Casters Dilmurod Ismatov and Aziz Mavlonov ensured features of high-quality anode copper casting as caster boldly introducing advanced methods of metallurgy and new lines of flame refining of rough copper to production, their working capacities, machines for removing anodes, the influence of duration of castings on the quality of anodes. The integrity of the shift of metallurgists led by Shahrukh Khojayorov served as an important factor in the fulfillment of technical and economic indicators and the production of high-quality products, and 180 tons of rough copper was poured during the work shift! Most importantly, the main trend in modern metallurgy is to ensure the purity of the product from foreign impurities.

In 2022, Almalyk MMC JSC produced 148,500 tons of cathode copper, and the first results obtained on the first working day of the new year show that 2023 will also be a year of great victories. is doing. The solid foundation laid during the past year, the intensive implementation of the intended investment programs is proof that the company has a strong position in the market of non-ferrous metals and has set as its main goal to move forward only and only at a high speed.


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