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Updates are a factor of stable activity

05 May 2023, 12:54 946

The team of the industrial water supply workshop, whose main task is to fully meet the needs and requirements of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex enterprises in water resources, fulfills the tasks with honor. While the workshop operates with the support of 7 sections and the department for the repair of water pipes, a special place among these sections is occupied by the team of the 4th section, headed by Akmal Norkulov.

- Due to the increase in production capacities at the enterprises of the complex, their demand for industrial recycled water increases from year to year,-says the head of the site Akmal Norkulov. - The work on increasing production capacity, started several years ago by the management and specialists of our workshop, who foresaw long-term production plans, is bearing fruit today. In particular, the reconstruction work carried out at our pumping station No. 54, which plays an important role in our production system, contributes to significant results. Especially noteworthy is the introduction of frequency regulators when controlling and starting 2 transformers with a capacity of 40,000 kW and motors of our pumps. The work on laying and commissioning of the industrial water pipeline III with a diameter of 1020 mm from section 4 to the MBF with a length of 17 kilometers, located on the territory of the complexd waste collection of the copper smelter, has been completed, we can say that a cardinal turn in our activities has occurred.

If I briefly dwell on the production activities of our site, then the water from the storage tank after certain stages of purification, settling enters the pumping station by its own flow, and the circulating water through two water mains with a diameter of 1220 mm returns to the plant for production needs. From this station, which is the main water supply enterprise of the MBF, an average of 9000-9300 cubic meters of water is delivered every hour. With the commissioning of the new pipeline, the plant began to receive more than 1200-1400 cubic meters of water per hour.

While three of our 10 pumps supplied circulating water before the reconstruction was carried out on the site, after the new installation was fully put into operation, it became possible to send 4 ЦН3000/197 pumps for this purpose. In order to ensure the stable operation of the equipment on our site, we were able to carry out an overhaul of pump 9 on our own. Work is currently underway to overhaul our pump 3-TSN 3000/197.

Currently, maintenance and repair services for the pumps of section 4 are provided by such repairmen as Abdurazzok Egamberdiev, Zohid Ergashev, Davron Kholmatov, Sadik Abdukarimov, Uchkun Jumabaev and Diyor Turgunov. The skill and experience of electricians - Tursunali Egamov, Nodir Nosirov, Bakhodir Jalilov, Andrey Shiryaev, Murod Nurmatov, Maruf Madaliev help in the stable and economical operation of substation electrical equipment and pumps.

While the plant's water pipelines supply 540 thousand cubic meters of water to enterprises daily, more than 370 thousand cubic meters of this water are circulating, and 170 thousand cubic meters are industrial.

Uninterrupted supply of water, which is an important source of energy, forms the basis of the sustainable activities of the main production enterprises of the AMMC.


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