21 | Staroverov Oleg Vladimirovich | “Yoshlik-I” konini o’zlashtirish investision loyihasi amalga oshirish bo'yicha loyihalash ofisi | Boyitish kompleksi bo'yicha direktori o'rinbosari | "Do'stlik" ordeni | 2016 |
22 | Dadakov Jumanbay Kadirkulovich | Mis eritish zavodi | MS qotishmalar va rangli metallar quyuvchisi | "Shuhrat" medali | 2016 |
23 | Xamroev Dilmurod Xolmurodovich | "Xanjiza" KB | Yer osti kon ishlari chastkasi lahm o'tuvchi | "Shuhrat" medali | 2016 |
24 | Burganova Tatyana Vasilyevna | Rux zavodi | Usta | "Xizmat ko'rsatgan sanoat xodim" fahriy unvon | 2017 |
25 | Abduxalikov Tulkin Tashtemirovich | MTMZ | Quyush sexi elektrpech po'lat quyuvchisi | "Shuhrat" medali | 2017 |
26 | Kuchkarov Saparali Xalbutaevich | Mis eritish zavodi | TMMS boshlig'i | "Xizmat ko'rsatgan sanoat xodim" fahriy unvon | 2017 |
27 | Orudjov Uzeir Saleg Ogli | Ijro apparati | Kon ishi bo'yicha bosh muhandis o'rinbosari | "Do'stlik" ordeni | 2018 |
28 | Vaqqasov Baxtiyar Abduraimovich | Mis eritish zavodi | Mis eritish zavodi direktori | "Mehnat shuhrati" ordeni | 2018 |
29 | Sativaldieva Tanzila Mansurovna | Mis eritish zavodi | MES suvli eritma elektrolizchisi | "Do'stlik" ordeni | 2019 |
30 | Burganova Tatyana Vasilyevna | Rux zavodi | Usta | "Fidokorona mehnatlari uchun" ordeni | 2019 |
31 | Salimov Begzod Askarali ogli | Ijro apparati | Yoshlar masalalari bo'yicha boshqaruv raisi maslahatchisi - OKMK Yoshlar ittifoqi raisi | "Kelajak bunyodkori" medali | 2019 |
32 | Isakov Maxamadamin Mamadumarov | Qalmoqqir kon boshqarmasi | Direktor | "Mehnat shuhrati" ordeni | 2019 |
33 | Kambarov Abdukadir Mukumjonovich | Qalmoqqir kon boshqarmasi | Ustki qatlam karyeri burg'ilash uskunasi mashinist | "Shuhrat" medali | 2019 |
34 | Sedov Sergey Anatolevich | Qalmoqqir kon boshqarmasi | Sharqiy karyer ekskavatori mashinisti | "Mehnat shuhrati" ordeni | 2019 |
35 | Baymatov Abdumajit Niyazovich | Angren kon boshqarmasi | "Kochbuloq" shaxtasi ko'tarma mashinasi mashinisti | "Do'stlik" ordeni | 2019 |
36 | Xatamov Masidik Javakovich | Angren kon boshqarmasi | Qizil Olma shaxtasi portlatuvchisi | "Fidokorona mehnatlari uchun" ordeni | 2019 |
37 | Abdulxametov Axmadjon Abdulmajitovich | Chodak kon boshqarmasi | Direktor | "Do'stlik" ordeni | 2019 |
38 | Ashurmatov Gani Tuxtamatovich | Chodak kon boshqarmasi | Pirmirob shaxtasi laхm o'tuvchisi | "Mehnat shuhrati" ordeni | 2019 |
39 | Sharapova Muazzam Ramazanovna | "Xanjiza" kon boshqarmasi | Boyitish fabrikasi reagentlar aralashtiruvchi | "Shuhrat" medali | 2019 |
40 | Xursanov Nuriddin Jumaevich | "Xanjiza" kon boshqarmasi | Shaxta lahm o'tuvchisi | "Do'stlik" ordeni | 2019 |
Information about employees of Almalyk MMC JSC awarded with state awards
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Olmaliq, AGMK, OKMK, kombinat05-11-2024
( 1 votes )
01-11-2024 LIST of employees of Almalyk MMC JSC awarded with state awards in the period 1991-2024.
10-03-2024 LIST of employees of Almalyk MMC JSC awarded with state awards in the period 1991-2024.
05-09-2023 LIST of employees of Almalyk MMC JSC awarded with state awards in the period 1991-2023
03-04-2023 LIST of employees of Almalyk MMC JSC awarded with state awards in the period 1991-2023
03-01-2023 LIST of employees of Almalyk MMC JSC awarded with state awards in the period 1991-2022.