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Youth policy is he priority task of AMMC

23 February 2023, 10:1 990

Helping young people find their worthy place in life, creating conditions for them to demonstrate their abilities and potential in the educational and labor spheres are among a number of priority tasks of our state.

At Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, young specialists are also in the spotlight. Thus, on February 22, the Industrial Railway Transport Department hosted a press tour on the topic “Open Day for Youth,” organized by the information service and the plant’s Youth Union. The purpose of it is to familiarize with the implementation of the state youth policy in the structural divisions of Almalyk MMC JSC.

The guests were greeted by the Acting Head of Industrial Railway Transport Department Sirojiddin Manazarov. Acting Deputy Chief Engineer for Labor Protection and Traffic Safety Bekzod Khaidarov briefed all participants of the press tour.

Next, mass media representatives visited the workshops and divisions of IRTD, got acquainted with its activities and the working conditions created here for young people. Young specialists from the plant told reporters about the activities of the enterprise and the intricacies of their work.

The guests also visited the automation and process control department. It is worth noting that during 2022, the employees of this division completed a large amount of work. In order to automate the production processes, expand software capabilities, and reduce paperwork, 57.0 km of fiber optic cables and 2.6 km of cable wires were installed. 7 stations were equipped with modern dispatch communication equipment. In order to ensure traffic safety in railway transport, occupational health and safety, monitoring production processes and compliance with internal labor regulations, more than thirty video surveillance cameras have been installed. In order to monitor and control production processes, together with other specialists of the plant, 7 software systems were introduced: (IS Wialon Local (GPS monitoring), “Mirror-1”, “Express Cargo”, “Railway Monitoring Systems”, “Transport Repair Systems”, "Railway Infrastructure Systems", "EKSPERT".

The next starting point for the participants of the press tour was the Kalmakyr mine. As we know, it is the first link in the AMMC production chain. It is here that ore is mined and sent to processing factories. In order to fully experience the full power and strength of man conquering the subsoil, it is worth at least once watching the work of excavators and drilling rigs from the observation deck, because from here a beautiful panorama opens up.

On the balance sheet of Industrial Railway Transport Department there are diesel locomotives, dump cars, platforms, tanks, hopper dispensers, self-propelled equipment, automotive equipment, tractor equipment, and railway cranes. They are repaired by employees of railway workshop No. 3. The next point of visit for the participants of the press tour was this workshop, which also produces localized products.

It should be noted that today 2,500 people work in the departments of Industrial Railway Transport Department. Of these, 900 are young personnel. One of the amenities created for them is the opening of the sports complex ahead of Youth Day in 2022. The complex is equipped with modern equipment so that the company’s employees can meaningfully spend their leisure time and play sports. Photovoltaic installations are also installed on the territory of Railway Shop-3, which significantly saves energy.

The greenhouse, created by the hands of the unit’s workers themselves, is also pleasing to the eye. Various flowers and small fruit trees are grown in the greenhouse.

It was not for nothing that the press tour received the name “Open Day for Youth”, since in New Uzbekistan much attention is paid to ensuring the well-being and expanding the opportunities of youth. Huge resources are allocated and a large number of programs are created to increase employment and provide social support for youth. Undoubtedly, this kind of press tour is an important basis for the accelerated development of industry in our country, while the main goal of state policy is to generate interest among the younger generation in the metallurgical industry.

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