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(+998 71) 619-23-33With all my heart, I congratulate the generation of young workers of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex on the Youth Day!
This holiday contains all the aspirations and hopes, the confidence of the country's leadership in the future of independent Uzbekistan, entrusted to millions of young people who are still sitting at school desks, learning the basics of science in higher education institutions, writing the first pages of their work biography.
The Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex also entrusts its future to the hands of young people. Today, almost 11 thousand young people under the age of 30 work here - 7969 boys and 2902 girls; 1432 people have higher education, 158 have completed their master's degree; 600 young people work in the positions of engineering and technical workers.
The plant pays great attention to young personnel, their professional training, creating conditions for their self-realization and career growth, including young people in the reserve for replacement of management positions, trusting them to accumulate experience of teams, sections, shifts, workshops.
The most talented and goal-oriented people study at leading universities of the near and far abroad at the expense of the plant. We opened an engineering school so that AMMC workers could improve their level of knowledge for subsequent management of modern equipment and technologies implemented within the framework of large investment projects. We really count on an inquisitive mind, determination, enthusiasm, knowledge of new technologies, initiative. The main thing is to have a desire to move forward!
We expect from you new ideas and solutions in the field of production, innovation and technology and are confident that you will become professionals in your field, capable of implementing large tasks for the further development of our plant.
Once again, happy holiday to you, the youth of AMMC! Accomplishments, achievements, successes!
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