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A symbol of honor and dignity

07 December 2022, 12:39 1811

Dear workers of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, citizens of Almalyk!

I cordially congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

In our day this holiday is widely celebrated in an atmosphere of joy and the greatest pride for our country, not only in the labor collectives of industrial enterprises, institutions and organizations, not only in educational institutions, but also in the makhallyas and families of our citizens. After all, our Constitution is the cornerstone of social development, providing a solid legal foundation for all the transformations we have achieved over the years of independence.

It should be noted that over the past 30 years since the adoption of the Basic Law of independent Uzbekistan, the political and legal, socio-economic, cultural and educational structure of our society has changed completely. Freedom and openness, the rule of law, and mutually beneficial cooperation with the international community have become the main directions of our state’s policy.

In particular, based on the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy, adopted at the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, large-scale democratic reforms are being implemented. The powerful development of the state is facilitated by the active participation of the entire population of the country, with whom there is constant communication at various levels, and a clearly functioning system of accountability of government leaders to citizens. It is also important that the issues of economic development and entrepreneurship, provision of housing, improvement of medicine and education, as well as the eradication of forced labor, particularly child labor, unemployment, poverty, and corruption are addressed with broad public participation.

Today, our compatriots have ample opportunities for free residence in any part of the country, the acquisition of housing and real estate, citizenship, education, employment, entrepreneurship, income growth, the use of various government services is becoming more and more accessible and effective.

Most importantly, everyone sees and feels these changes in their daily lives.

Such achievements, which are the result of the tremendous legal opportunities provided by our Constitution, make us proud of our independent homeland.

In the multi-thousand collective of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, which takes an active part in building the New Uzbekistan, great attention is also paid to the protection of constitutional rights of each employee, creating decent working conditions based on the principle of the supreme value of man and his life, freedom, honor, dignity and other inalienable rights enshrined in the Constitution. Special attention is given to ensuring the rights and interests of our esteemed veterans, women, youth, and needy populations.

Awarding our staff the title of winner in the nomination “Exemplary Enterprise in the Organization of Summer Recreation for Children” by the Republican Council of Trade Unions, and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis - the title of winner of the national contest “Gender Equality Activists” shows the great achievements of the company in these areas.

In order to fully ensure the rights and interests of young people acting as builders of New Uzbekistan, its comprehensive support the plant has established cooperation not only with higher education institutions in our country, but also with the National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” of the Russian Federation, with the Mining Academy of Technical University Freiberg of the Federal Republic of Germany, universities INHA and ADJU, created in cooperation with the Republic of Korea, and other foreign universities.

Successful implementation of the mega-project on development of Yoshlik I deposit, construction of copper concentrator No. 3, new metallurgical complex, development of Copper Industry Cluster, implementation of rare metal production development program, mastering of new products will create thousands of new jobs, which will mainly be taken by our young people.

Today the idea of New Uzbekistan is becoming a nationwide movement with great aspiration and potential. And our dedication, selfless labor, enthusiasm and responsibility will help us reach new heights and bring the republic to a new level of development.

Dear workers of the Complex, citizens of Almalyk!

May our Constitution, which is a reliable protection for all people, regardless of nationality, language, religion, living in the land of Uzbekistan, bring happiness and joy to life!


Chairman of the Board of JSC Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex,

Member Senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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