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Dear builders, industry devotes and veterans!

13 August 2022, 9:2 1033

I sincerely congratulate all of you on the day of construction workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Construction profession is one of the oldest professions. We are not mistaken if we say that this profession is an inheritance from our ancestors.

If we look at the history of mankind, mankind appeared and tried to build houses and buildings. This is evidenced by many architectural monuments built a thousand centuries ago and preserved to this day.

Even our great grandfather Amir Temur said, "If you doubt our power, look at the buildings we built." This word of the owner shows the energy, enthusiasm, creativity and power of the Uzbeks for hundreds of years.

So, the potential of the country and its strength are expressed by the appearance of the built structures and buildings.

The magnificent palaces and buildings built by our ancestors in ancient Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva still amaze everyone.

Even today, buildings and structures are being built that are fundamentally changing the image of our republic. They also testify to the continuation of our national traditions in construction and the wide application of modern knowledge and experience in the field. Undoubtedly, the work of our creative builders plays an important role in fundamentally changing our society and building a prosperous life.

I know that the role of skilled builders and engineers, craftsmen, architects, designers of the Capital Construction Department, Project Works Department, "Almalykmetallurgqurilish" trust, Specialized Repair Works Department in construction works in huge changes which are being carried out in Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex.

The builders of the complex showed enthusiasm in building a number of our facilities. In particular, our builders performed important tasks in the construction of a temporary substation supplying electricity to the "Barakali" quarry of the Yoshlik-1 mine, a new waste collection warehouse of the Angren Mining Department Gold Sorting Factory, and the introduction of the central aspiration concentrator technology in this factory.

Also, the construction of a railway for the increase and acceptance of commodity resources in the Chodak Mining Department, the reconstruction of the building of the Copper Smelting Plant Department, the construction of the warehouse of the new SK-5 sulfuric acid plant, the expansion of the beneficiation section at the Copper Enrichment Plant, the new additional flotation installation of machines has been carried out.

In addition, our builders took an active part in the construction of the foundation of the truck scale designed for towing BelAZ dump trucks in the Jizzakh region and in the reconstruction of the administrative building of the copper beneficiation factory.

I am especially grateful for that!

I believe that flower builders will mobilize their knowledge and experience, strength and capabilities, and honorably fulfill the great tasks ahead of us.

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the occasion of your career and wish you good health, strength, and family peace in your responsible and honorable work. I wish you to enjoy your work for the development of our country, peace and prosperity of our people!


Chairman of the Board of JSC Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex,

Member Senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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