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To Labor team of Navoi mining and metallurgy complex!

18 November 2023, 8:11 393

Dear Quvondiq Sanakulovich!

In the name of thousands of employees of Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex and on my behalf, I congratulate you and your team on the occasion of 65 anniversary jubilee of establishment of Navoi mining and metallurgy complex.

Today Navoi mining and metallurgy complex is one of the ten leading companies producing the gold in the world, its sign branded “999.9” on the gold bar turned into the brand of Uzbekistan in the world precious metal stock market.

We are proud to be representatives of the same industry as the rapidly developing combine, which makes a significant contribution to strengthening the economic power of our country, further increasing its position in the world community, and ensuring the well-being of our people.

As a result of many years of cooperation, helping to solve technical and technological issues and finding their solution together has become a common practice, serving the effectiveness of the economic reforms implemented under the leadership of the Honorable President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev.

The production capacity of the Navoi mining and metallurgical complex, the results achieved in the field of innovative development and scientific research, as well as the system created for the training of young promising personnel are an example for many industrial enterprises.

Dear colleagues, we consider it an honor to wish the industrial giant, which is the pride of Uzbekistan, new goals and strength in achieving them.

I wish you and the members of your hard-working team good health, enthusiasm, stability and prosperity, great success in your work for the benefit of our Motherland!


Chairman of the Board of JSC AMMC,

senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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