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With Navruz! Happy holiday of renewal and kindness, honor and dignity!

21 March 2022, 13:7 1728

Dear workers of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex, veterans of production, citizens of Almalyk!

These days we are celebrating a wonderful holiday - Navruz! Rooted deep in the ages, it symbolizes renewal, prosperity, bright confidence in the future and now Navruz is a symbol of the beginning of a new life, as never before in tune with the life of our country, which is building its new future, the creative work of our people - the preservation of traditions, but confidently implementing all directions of the strategy of development of new Uzbekistan.

The ancient philosophy of Navruz, its essence and meaning lies, above all, in the preservation of peace and respect for human health. and today we would like to emphasize that thanks to the wise, forward-looking policy of the president of our state, the people of Uzbekistan live in peace and harmony, under a peaceful sky, with the opportunity to freely build their future, to determine the prospects and implement all plans.

The above is also completely date true of the work collective of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex, which today occupies an important place in the development of industry of the republic and the achievement of objectives set by the development strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026.

We are implementing one of the largest investment projects in the country - “development of the “Yoshlik I” deposit”. The quarry, copper concentrator no. 3 are under construction, concentrators no. 4 and 5 are being designed, a new metallurgical processing plant and a machine-building plant are being built. Work under the program of reconstruction and modernization of production facilities of AMMC is positively completed. By replacing morally and physically obsolete technological equipment with modern ones, replacing the aspiration and ventilation systems at the zinc plant, copper smelting plant and copper concentration plant, we have achieved a radical improvement in working conditions and environmental situation in the region. The copper industry cluster will also make a significant contribution, with a number of projects aimed at increasing output and providing additional exports. The commissioning of new facilities will create thousands of new jobs. All this opens up new opportunities to strengthen our country’s economy, improve the welfare of our people and the well-being of the plant’s workers and their families.

I am sure that our team of thousands, which has repeatedly proved its high professionalism, unity in achieving goals, efficiency and dedication, will be able to cope with these ambitious tasks. The spirit of friendliness, tolerance, and mutual assistance that reigns in the shops and divisions of our company also plays an important role in the achievement of the intended objectives.

The priority for us has always been to solve the social issues of the workers and the city. The work collective of ammc is an active participant in the national project “Yashil makon” (“green space”), during which we not only plant trees and bushes, provide watering and care for them, but also beautify the areas and make the city more cozy and beautiful.

On the eve of navruz all veterans of the second world war and veterans of labor, as well as soldiers-internationalists and chernobyl victims will be paid material assistance. We continue to fulfill our social obligations to the employees and veterans of production, as stipulated by the collective agreement, and the wards of the specialized institutions assigned to us are not neglected. Charity, mercy, concern for people’s well-being - these are also the traditions of navruz that we observe throughout the year.

The motto of this year’s holiday is “Assalom, Navruz - a holiday of renewal and kindness, honor and dignity!” and this is the best fit for everything that our multinational team of people of different professions and specialties, united by common goals and objectives - to work for the benefit of their homeland, their people!

Congratulating on Navruz, my main wish is that there will always be peace in our land! May the country prosper and the well-being of its citizens increase! Wishing health to all of you and your families, good luck and success in everything that makes life happier, more joyful and multifaceted!

Preserving peace, ensuring stability, taking care of people’s health, we will surely achieve all our goals!


Chairman of the Board of JSC Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex,

Member Senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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