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(+998 71) 619-23-33History shows that the roots of corruption stretch far back into the past of humanity. Eliminating this age-old evil requires tremendous courage and persistence from each of us.
As part of the initiatives led by our esteemed President within the framework of the state program “For the Dignity of Man,” aimed at unconditionally ensuring human rights and interests while fostering an active civil society, a dynamic atmosphere of uncompromising resistance to corruption is being established across all sectors and areas of public life.
A vivid example is the steady rise of Uzbekistan’s role in the international “Corruption Perceptions Index” in recent years. Uzbekistan is increasingly chosen to host prestigious conferences and forums featuring prominent scholars and international experts engaged in anti-corruption efforts.
An uncompromising attitude towards any manifestations of corruption must become a daily way of life for every leader working within the combined system, from ordinary employees to higher management.
Diligent, impartial, and highly professional execution of all assigned tasks should become our way of life, making honesty, patriotism, and personal responsibility the primary rules of our activities.
In this context, an effective system is gradually being formed in collaboration with the executive apparatus of JSC “Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex” and responsible bodies to implement measures to prevent corruption across all structural enterprises, facilitating the early identification and elimination of the causes and conditions that may provoke it.
The fight against corruption within the complex and its system, including its prevention, assessment of corruption risks, prevention of conflicts of interest, ensuring openness and transparency in the financial and economic activities of the complex during procurement processes, and the selection and appointment of managerial positions, alongside the integration of advanced technologies, are defined as primary goals for the leaders and all personnel of the complex.
Over the past period, through digitization and automation implemented at the complex, the processes of sales and procurement have been transformed into transparent and open processes.
The functions and tasks outlined in the job descriptions of managers and engineering staff, as well as the charters of subdivisions and enterprises, have been collectively analyzed and revised to determine their susceptibility to corruption. To strictly limit the emergence of corruption situations, all identified risks have been classified and systematized based on their level of danger.
Specific and systemic measures aimed at eliminating identified corruption risks have been defined, and a special systematic control over their implementation has been introduced.
Processes at all stages of production of finished goods and semi-finished products, starting from ore extraction, loading, transportation, processing, and delivery to factories and workshops, have been digitized by 70%. This has led to a 54.5% reduction in production losses and a significant limitation of the human factor in the interaction between the employees of the complex and counterparties, establishing a strong foundation for transparency in economic activities.
Work continues steadily to align the implemented “anti-corruption management system” with the requirements of the international standard “ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Corruption Management,” with plans to obtain international certification by the end of this year.
Additionally, the complex and its structural subdivisions have undergone an audit by the monitoring group of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the work carried out at the complex has been duly assessed by this international organization.
The leadership of the complex relies on broad public oversight in the fight against corruption and in the early detection of corruption situations, supporting the activity and initiatives of citizens and business entities in this important direction.
Citizens and employees who possess information about the involvement of the complex's staff in corruption and other corrupt offenses are encouraged to report their findings to the compliance control service of the complex at 93-182-24-22, 93-182-09-04, or via email at They can directly forward their concerns to the designated email address.
I guarantee that the work to implement measures for preventing corruption within the executive apparatus of the complex and at structural enterprises, as well as the early detection and elimination of the causes and conditions leading to its emergence, will continue steadily.
I take this opportunity to urge every leader and engineering and technical employee within the system of the complex to adopt an uncompromising stance towards any manifestations of corruption and to diligently and honestly fulfill their official duties to our Motherland.
As emphasized by our head of state, “The fight against corruption and its prevention is the sacred duty of every sincere person, a democratic society, and the state.”
A.X. Khursanov
Chairman of the Board of JSC "Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex,"
Senator of the Oliy Majlis