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With you, Navruz, the world will be illuminated with light!

20 March 2024, 9:32 655

Dear workers of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, the production veterans, Almalyk residents!


Spring has come, a warm wind has blown, hearts rejoice at the awakening of nature... Renewal and the desire for a new life are felt everywhere and in everything: the most ancient holiday of spring, a symbol of beauty, kindness and mercy – Navruz – is coming to our country.

We meet it with an open heart, aspirations for the future, and a creative spirit.

After all, the large-scale tasks assigned to the team of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, aimed at strengthening the economic potential of the country and improving the well-being of the population as a whole, are being implemented almost in full. Today we are doing everything to complete what we have planned in the very near future, creating a colossal foundation for the future.

In particular, the construction of facilities for today’s main investment project for the development of the Yoshlik I deposit is at the finish line: a quarry for ore extraction has almost been built, a cyclic flow conveyor has been tested, and the first stage of copper concentration plant No. 3 is being prepared for launch. The construction of new enterprises and workshops in the auxiliary sphere is being completed at the lime plant, the explosives plant, and the industrial water supply shop.

The current year for us is the time to sum up the results of the first stage of expansion of the enterprise, in fact, the creation of a second mining and metallurgical Complex, the path to realizing the main goal, following which, among other things, we will provide jobs for thousands of young people.

This megaproject will not only increase ore production and processing, but will also strengthen our position in the global non-ferrous metals market, since everything that is being done now is in full compliance with the requirements of international standards. And everything we undertake is aimed at further promoting the products manufactured at AMMC, including through deep processing, which is gaining an increasingly stronger position in the era of development of the “green” economy.

This includes expanding the range and increasing competitiveness, which is achieved, among other things, by reducing the cost of its production. To achieve this, we continue to pay attention to saving fuel and energy resources, modernizing production, and improving technology.

In the successful implementation of everything planned, the support of the Head of State Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, who personally takes part in all historical events taking place at AMMC, is of great importance. The completion of each new project is an approach to a previously planned perspective, a step into the future, towards new plans, new ideas, new creative frontiers.

Celebrating Navruz, we not only rejoice at the onset of spring – the renewal and awakening of nature, but also feel even more fully how prosperous life is when peace and tranquility reign around. We have always appreciated and appreciate clear skies, clear sun, we are trying to maintain friendly and tolerant relations on our multinational land, to preserve the traditions and customs of the peoples living in Uzbekistan. Therefore, the plant’s team shares the joy of Navruz with everyone, holding charitable events in social institutions, providing selfless assistance to families in need of social protection and who have lost their breadwinner at work, organizing holidays for labor veterans, as well as landscaping and beautification of the city so that everyone can enjoy the residents felt good and cozy.

This year we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, and therefore we have a very busy year: the opening of several industrial and social facilities is planned. On the eve of March 8, we opened the garment factory with 520 jobs in the village of Chadak. During the anniversary year, the Engineering School in Almalyk, the second stage of the Ingichka concentrating plant, the “Nuroniy” institution will also be opened, the construction of a modern library and museum of the plant, the Palace of Symposiums, the Zaamin sanatorium, the open-air mining museum, and the Builders' Park are planned, after reconstruction it will accept children from Preschool Education Institution No. 12.

Taking this opportunity, I urge all citizens and all employees of one of the country's leading enterprises to imbue with the spirit of kindness and mercy, friendship and harmony, providing assistance to those in need, visiting elderly relatives and neighbors, meeting with former colleagues and production veterans. Let not a single person be left unattended during these days of the blessed month of Ramadan.

There is a belief that if a person tastes sumalak, the main dish of this spring holiday, from seven cauldrons during Navruz and makes a wish, it will come true. So, I wish everyone to taste sumalak from seven cauldrons, so that even their most cherished desires will come true!

May success accompany all good deeds started these days!

Let spring bloom in every heart all year round!


Chairman of the Board of JSC AMMC,

senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan 


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