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Congratulations from the Chairman of the Board of AMMC on the Day of Defenders of the Motherland

13 January 2024, 10:10 641

Dear workers of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, dear military and industry veterans!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Defenders of the Motherland and the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Of all the many professions, one of the most important and honorable stands out - to defend the Motherland and serve one’s people, protecting their peaceful life.

Today our national army has become a real school of courage, dedication, and true patriotism for thousands of our sons. This fact is recognized with pride and gratitude by all parents of employees and our entire people.

Today, the geopolitical situation prevailing in the world requires strengthening our borders. That is why our country pays special attention to the military sector.

As the Head of our state noted: “Today, the effectiveness of the reforms we are carrying out in order to ensure a peaceful life in our country largely depends on the unity of the army and the people.”

The unity of our peace-loving people and the national army is the key to a calm and prosperous life for all citizens of independent Uzbekistan. In our stability, the ability to implement our plans, raise children in peace and harmony, the national army, and all those who guard the country’s borders, certainly play a huge role. Therefore, it is in the interests of the state and each of us to increase the power of the army.

In connection with the Day of Defenders of the Motherland, I express special gratitude to the military unit of the troops guarding categorized facilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, serving in the units of the copper complex of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex.

Thanks to you, your tireless service, which you carry out with honor, despite the summer heat and winter cold, safety and order are ensured at the classified facilities of the plant.

Also, the employees of departmental paramilitary security, who serve around the clock at the facilities of more than 50 structural divisions of our enterprise, deserve special recognition and praise.

It should be noted that today the workforce of departmental paramilitary security consists of professionals with modern knowledge, high spiritual and moral qualities, excellent physical fitness and combat skills, ready to fulfill their duty even in the most difficult conditions.

In 2023, representatives of the Departmental paramilitary security of AMMC took part in republican competitions in special and military medical training. They competed with employees of departmental paramilitary security services of ministries, large enterprises and organizations. According to the results of the competition, our guys entered the top four teams.

I can say with confidence that this year the results of their performance will be better and they will take a place on the podium.

Heartily congratulating you on your professional holiday, I express my deep gratitude to you, who dedicated your life to a great cause, a noble and honorable mission - the defense of the Motherland!

I wish you success in your noble and responsible service, family happiness and prosperity!


Chairman of the Board of JSC AMMC,

senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan 

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