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Congratulations on Construction Workers Day

11 August 2023, 17:17 860

Dear construction workers, dear veterans of the industry!

Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your professional holiday!

You are representatives of one of the most peaceful, noble, respected and responsible professions!

You are active participants of implementation of large investment projects, as well as works on modernization and reconstruction, construction of new social facilities carried out by Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex.

Our country today is a grand construction site. The residential complexes, public education, health care facilities, buildings of industrial enterprises are being built in all its parts. Your contribution to the construction of New Uzbekistan deserves the deepest appreciation and gratitude. Highly appreciating the activity of construction industry workers in economic reforms, the decree of the head of our state approved the professional holiday - the Day of Construction Industry Workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of August since 2017.

Our people have long been famous for their creative activity, the fame of it spreading far beyond Central Asia. This is a profession we inherited from our ancestors. And there’s a reason tourists coming to our country admire the splendor of architectural ensembles created many centuries ago.

You are their worthy successors! Speaking about your creative deeds, which directly contribute to improving the quality and standard of living of our people, it should be noted that along with industrial buildings and facilities of the Complex, medical and cultural institutions are being built in Almalyk, parks and alleys are being laid out, fountains, playgrounds and sports facilities are being built.

In particular, only for the last year the pre-school educational organization No. 39 has been thoroughly repaired and brought to a modern look, the 15th and 16th settling plants at the copper concentrator have been built and put into operation, the health and recreation resort in Chirchik town has been completely repaired and equipped with modern equipment, where now all conditions for health improvement of the workers of the combine have been created.

The team of “Olmalikmetallurgkurilish” complex of enterprises built a camp for the accommodation of construction workers engaged in the erection of a new metallurgical complex, the office of the “Yoshlik I” administration. At present, the reconstruction of the Chatkal Culture Center in Krasnogorsk settlement in Parkent district and the overhaul of preschool educational establishment No. 33 in our town are underway, as well as the construction of an underground walkway in Almalyk.

Much work is being done on the erection of an engineering school and the reconstruction of a maternity complex.

Undoubtedly, your hard work, enthusiasm and dedication are clearly manifested in your creative works. Without you, our city wouldn’t be the same.

Once again, please accept my heartiest congratulations on your professional holiday!

I wish you and your families good health, prosperity and happiness! May every day bring you occupational satisfaction, may your professionalism continue to be fruitful and creative for the sake of the Motherland and the people!


Chairman of the Board of JSC AMMC,

senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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