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Holiday greeting for the teachers and mentors day

30 September 2023, 14:53 742

Dear teachers, dear tutors and mentors!

I warmly congratulate everyone on the Professional holiday - Teachers and Mentors Day!

There is a saying among our people: “If you want to do good to people once - seed a wheat, if you want to do good all your life - educate”. Whenever we remember the priceless legacy left by our ancestors, we respectfully recall the noble work of teachers who are as close to us as our parents. It is therefore not surprising that all of us, regardless of age, position or rank, always be in awe of those who have taught us.

Your role in the reforms underway in our country today is invaluable. In recent years, a number of measures have been taken to raise the status of teachers, educators and mentors, expand the network of pre-school educational organizations, create innovative educational centers, develop the sphere of non-state education and presidential schools based on modern standards. All this is important for the young generation, our future, to grow up educated.

Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex pays great attention to the activities and conditions for the development of children at pre-school educational organizations, as well as such institutions as special boarding school No. 80, specialized auxiliary school No. 6, boarding school of Pskent district, boarding school of Angren town. In particular, this year the Complex reconstructed and put into operation preschool educational organization No. 33 “Ertak” of Almalyk town.

The Master-Apprentice program is effectively implemented at the Complex. Young professionals improve their knowledge and skills with the help of experienced mentors. Creation of a modern engineering school will enable to train specialists on the basis of foreign experience.

Within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation established in the sphere of education by the Complex and leading universities of the world, training of specialists at Freiberg Mining Academy of the Mining University of the Federal Republic of Germany was started. Representatives of the company “GP Gunter Papenburg AG” (Germany), professors and teachers of Akita University (Japan) visited the Complex and expressed interest in training of our employees.

Dear educators, mentors, veterans and teacher! We will continue to work on integration of education with industry and believe this will bear fruit in the near future.

Once again I congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you success, high results and creative achievements in your hard work!

May happiness, health and prosperity come to you and your families!


Chairman of the Board of JSC AMMC,

senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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