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To benefit people is the highest happiness!

10 November 2023, 15:40 664

Dear employees and activists of the Trade Union Council of employees of “Almalyk MMC” JSC!

Taking into account the huge role and significance of this public association in the life of our people and its participation in the transformations taking place in the country, on the initiative of the head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev, for the first time in the history of our independent republic, the Day of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan was established and its date - November 11 - was set.

With boundless pride we can say that thanks to the efforts, cohesion and selfless work of representatives of trade union organizations there are numerous positive changes in the spiritual, cultural and social life of our society.

In particular, the primary organizations of the Trade Union Council of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex take an active part in the implementation of the social policy of New Uzbekistan in terms of comprehensive support of the Complex workers, women and youth, their social and economic protection, health improvement and recreation.

Most importantly, you increase employees’ confidence in the future and thereby make a worthy contribution to improving labor efficiency and productivity.

Fruitful activity in this direction was noted by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the management of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex. By the Day of Trade Unions of the country one representative of the trade union organization of AMMC was awarded with badges “Ekhtirom” and two members - with badges “Miners’ Glory”. These awards are boundless respect and well-deserved appreciation for the work done by a community organization.

Today’s difficult time requires further strengthening of the system of ensuring professional, labor, social and economic rights of workers of our enterprise, and I believe that you will be even more active and proactive in this regard.

Dear employees of the professional union of AMMC, as well as guests of this celebratory event - representatives of trade unions of related enterprises, I wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your family, great labor successes in your responsible and honorable work. And most importantly, peaceful skies and clear sunshine overhead.

Once again, please accept my heartiest congratulations on the Day of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan!


Chairman of the Board of JSC AMMC,

senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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