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The new Constitution of New Uzbekistan is a guarantor of the country’s independence

07 December 2023, 15:3 512

Dear employees of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, dear residents of Almalyk!

With all my heart, I congratulate you on this significant date – the Day of Adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which marks the 31st anniversary.

In the difficult years of the formation of our independence, thanks to the rights and opportunities provided by the Constitution of the young state, significant results were achieved in all spheres and areas of our life.

In the large-scale reforms carried out in recent years, the interaction of the people with the authorities has increased even more. In particular, a completely new system of public policy has been introduced, aimed at recognizing the value of a person and increasing his role in public and government administration.

The realities of today, its geopolitical situation, taking place in a rapidly changing world, have made it necessary to strengthen the country’s legislative framework and bring its Basic Law into line with the principles of the strategy for creating a New Uzbekistan.

The referendum on the new Constitution, held on April 30 this year, became an important political milestone in state building, demonstrating the unity and cohesion of our people. The updated Constitution, changes and additions to which were made on the basis of popular discussion, became a new era in the country's development and the foundation of the Third Renaissance.

The new edition of the Constitution consolidated the status of Uzbekistan as a sovereign, democratic, legal, social and secular state with a republican form of government. This allowed for a tremendous diplomatic success for Uzbekistan: the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Assembly, held on November 7-22 this year in Paris, supported Uzbekistan’s proposal to hold the next 43rd session in 2025 in the city of Samarkand and made a corresponding decision. This is, of course, a historical event for New Uzbekistan, because the last time a session of the UNESCO General Assembly was held outside of Paris was in 1985, in Bulgaria!

At the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, which is an active participant in the construction of New Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to protecting the constitutional rights of workers, creating more decent working conditions for them, as well as care and support for labor veterans, women, working youth, and sections of the population in need of social assistance . In addition, the Almalyk MMC is implementing major investment projects for the benefit of further strengthening the country’s economy and improving the well-being of its people.

Thus, within the framework of the megaproject for the development of the Yoshlik I deposit, the mine has already been fully prepared for the extraction of 60 million tons of ore per year, the construction of main belt conveyors operating using cyclic-flow technology, transporting primary crushed ore from the quarry to the processing plant, has been completed. At the same time, design work on the construction of a new metallurgical complex is being carried out at a high pace.

For the coming year 2024, we have outlined ambitious programs, identified tasks, the implementation of which is aimed at achieving the goals provided for by our Constitution and will serve to improve the well-being of the population and develop the social sphere of the country. At the same time, we will continue to work on further development of production, expansion of existing capacities, increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise and its products, as well as attracting foreign direct investment into the industry.

I am confident that, acting selflessly and unitedly, we will definitely achieve all our goals.

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on a holiday that is significant for each of us - Constitution Day!

I wish you health, happiness and prosperity to your families. Let the life of our people be peaceful and calm. May the Almighty protect our beloved Motherland, all of us.

May peace and tranquility always reign in our country!


Chairman of the Board of JSC AMMC,

senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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