Services and departments of the Deputy Chief Engineer for science
Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09
Head of department: vacancy
Main tasks and functions of the department:
- Organizes the study of the needs of the Plant in scientific and technical products according to the profile of the subdivisions, identifying the circle of potential customers from among the structural divisions of the plant.
- Organizes and conducts scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars and conferences in terms of the innovative activities of the plant.
- Search and timely introduction into production of the latest achievements of science and technology, ensuring development of growth in production volumes and improving the technical and economic indicators of the enterprises of the joint-stock company through introduction of new scientific and technical achievements.
- Organizes the work on patenting scientific and technological achievements and ensuring the registration of inventions and rationalization proposals.
- Provides formulation of problematic issues for the Plant, which solution requires participation of the domestic and foreign research institutes. Provides contractual formalization of the terms of cooperation with the domestic and foreign organizations in development and implementation of innovative solutions, including those at annual innovation fairs.
- Monitors the progress of performance of contracts and their subsequent implementation in production.
- Supervises the conduct of scientific research, innovative projects, deals with the issues of scientific and technical information.
- Analyzes and works out the scientific and technical information, studies and introduces the latest scientific and technical achievements into production.
- Conducts presentations on the achievements of the Plant in the fields of science and innovation projects at conferences and innovation fairs.
- Carries out the work on rationalization and invention.
- Organizes the activities of the Bureau of Rationalizer and Inventors (BRI).
- Keeps records of received proposals for rationalization and invention and systematizes them.
- Organizes the work on the preparation of forecasts of organizational and technical measures, research and development work, rational use of resources, including material resources saving in production of the Plant.
- Organizes research and development work at mining and transport enterprises, in enrichment, metallurgy and chemical production in order to constantly improve the technical level and organization of production, improve technological processes, deals with issues of scientific and technical information.
- Organizes and controls the work of the Plant's technical library.
- Carries out timely control and execution of documents of superior organizations, orders, instructions and resolutions of the management of the Plant and the immediate supervisor.
- Provides high-quality and timely reporting for higher organizations.