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Shermatov Sadi Bakhtiarovich

Acting deputy chairman of the board personnel and social affairs of JSC "Almalyk MMC"


Born in 1969 in Tashkent region of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Education - higher. In 1993, he graduated from the Tashkent State Economic University, majoring in economics and management at the enterprise. In 2007, he graduated from Karakalpak State University with a degree in law.

Labor activity:

1986-1993 -Student of the Tashkent State Economic University

1987-1989 - military service

1993-1996 - 1, 2 Category Specialist, Leading Specialist, Chief Specialist, Economic Adviser of the State Committee on Forecasting and Statistics of the Cabinet of Ministers under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

1996-1999 - Deputy Head, Head of Department, Deputy Director General of the Agency for the Implementation of the Cotton Project under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

1999-2000 - Adviser in the Regional Agricultural Marketing Project of the TACIS program of the European Union Commission in the Republic of Uzbekistan

2000-2004 - Leading Specialist for Agricultural Reform and Farming Development of the Secretariat of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2004-2005 - Leading Specialist of Information-Analytical Department for Agriculture and Water Management of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2005-2008 - Leading Specialist, Chief Specialist of the Information-Analytical Department for Agriculture and Water Management, Processing of Agricultural Products and Consumer Goods of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2008-2009 - Head of the Sector for Agriculture Reform and Farming Development of the Information and Analytical Department for Agriculture and Water Resources, Processing of Agricultural Products and Consumer Goods of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2009-2011 - Leading Consultant for Social and Economic Issues of the State Councilor Service to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2011-2012 - Leading Consultant of the Financial and Economic Sector of the Service for Coordination of Socio-Economic Policy of the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2012-2016 - Deputy Minister of Economy for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2016-2017 - Khokim of the Zangiota district of the Tashkent region 

2017-2018 - Head of the Social Development Department, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Personnel and Social Issues of Uzmetkombinat JSC

2018-2018 - Head of the Tashkent Regional Department of Agriculture 

2018-2019 - Head of the Secretariat for Investment, Innovation, Assistance to Privatized Enterprises, Development of Free Economic and Small Industrial Zones of the Tashkent regional Khokimiyat 

2019-2021 - Director of the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Services in the Agro-Industrial Complex” under the “Uzagroinspection” under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2021 – till present - Acting Deputy Chairman of the Board for Staff and Social Affairs of JSC “Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Company”


  • manages the work of the Combine in the areas of personnel management, social and economic issues, in accordance with the functional responsibilities;
  • implements the Combine’s personnel policy;
  • coordinates and supervises the performance of the functional responsibilities of the heads of the following departments: Human Resources, Social Work Department, Training Center, Department of Social Facilities, Department of Consumer Goods Production, Housing Maintenance and Repair Department;
  • directs the work on the hiring, conclusion and termination of employment contracts with employees of the Combine, the application of disciplinary measures of punishment;
  • ensures and monitors the creation of a personnel reserve at the Combine;
  • supervises and organizes work on professional training, professional development and certification of the Combine’s employees;
  • coordinates work to increase labor motivation of employees of all categories based on the implementation of a flexible policy of material and moral incentives, improving working conditions, increasing its content and prestige, the rationalization of structures and staffing, strengthening labor discipline;
  • ensures compliance with the procedure for establishing and reserving a minimum number of jobs for the employment of persons in need of social protection and experiencing difficulties in finding work and unable to compete on an equal basis in the labor market;
  • signs invoices, certificates of work (services) performed, certificates of acceptance and/or transfer of goods (works, services), powers of attorney for the acceptance of inventory, projects, estimates, calculations, specifications, executed under contracts entered into by the Combine to ensure the activities and performance of functional tasks overseen by the Deputy Chairman of the Board for Human Resources and Social Affairs;
  • ensures the fulfillment of forecast indicators and parameters set for the Combine’s non-core facilities.
  • he has the right to sign the following documents, agreements and outgoing correspondence: agreements (contracts, contracts) (as well as additional agreements to them): for internships, pre-diploma and other practices of students of higher and specialized secondary and other educational institutions; for training specialists in higher educational institutions (by agreement with the Chairman of the Board); for training (including training, seminars) and professional development of the Combine employees in Uzbekistan and abroad; for military service in the mobilization and conscription reserve; conclusion of a civil-law contracts with individuals (by agreement with the Chairman of the Board); on registration of labor relations with employees of the Combine, including registration of orders on their employment, transfer, dismissal, on the application of disciplinary penalties, except for categories of employees included in the list of the Chairman of the Board; other orders concerning activities on personnel issues; 
  • rental and acquisition of buildings, structures, vehicles and other property, including the transfer or taking them for free use; 
  • provision of medical services, postal services, payment for utilities and operating costs; 
  • orders, resolutions on compensation for damage caused to employees by an injury, occupational disease or other health damage associated with the performance of their job duties and on the occasion of the loss of a supporter; 
  • outgoing correspondence related to the conclusion and execution of the listed contracts related directly to the functions of the structural subdivisions subordinate to the Deputy Chairman of the Board for Personnel and Social Affairs.
  • during absence from work due to business trip, vacation or temporary disability, as well as in other cases stipulated by law, the duties and powers to the First deputy chairman of the Board for Economics, Finance and Transformation, and in the absence of the First deputy chairman of the Board for Economics, Finance and Transformation  are retained by the Chairman of the Board.
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