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Keep our partners satisfied

11 July 2024, 10:42 897

Finished product processing and assembly section (FPPAS) of the copper electrolysis shop (CES) of the copper-smelting plant. This is one of the final links in the work of the AMMC’s thousands of employees on the production of cathode copper: this is the place where its packaging and shipment to partners take place. So FPPAS can fully be called the image of our enterprise. I talked about the activities of this production section and the people who work here with the deputy head for CES shipment Mr. Jakhongir KODIROV.

- Although the finished product processing and assembly section is considered an auxiliary division of the copper electrolysis shop, but its team is engaged in a very important and necessary task: the resulting high-purity cathode copper with a metal content of 99.99%, having high electrical conductivity and malleability is packaged in “stacks”. For this purpose, there is a special line, which is “commanded” by the control panel operators.

Copper cathodes, weighing about 70 kilograms each, are packed in 15 pieces, so that the weight of one such “pack” is about 1,250 kilograms. Then electric forklift drivers and crane operators together with sling operators stockpile them in batches and participate in shipment to our partners. On average, 150 tons of products are ready for consumers per a work shift. Our copper is in brisk demand in Turkey, China and the domestic market, so we try to ship it quickly and efficiently.

We have a friendly and well-coordinated staff of professionals who cope with target figures in a timely manner. We employ 104 people. Among the main professions are a slinger operator, a crane operator, an electric locomotive driver, a control panel operator, a non–ferrous metals controller, an electric loader driver and others.

We are proud of our mentors who have been working for a long time. These are electric forklift drivers Ergash Dushaev, Dilshod Alikulov, and slinger operator Darob Khaidarkulov. Non-ferrous metals controllers Oksana Sevastyanova and Veronika Parmanova are engaged in a very responsible job, they receive and weigh copper cathodes, and after packaging they keep accurate and precise records of the finished product.

Mechanical service department headed by FPPAS’s mechanical engineer Sarvar Amanov is carried out various types of repairs of existing machinery and equipment such as cranes, electric locomotives, loaders, packaging lines, etc. Since our machinery is very diverse, repairmen need to know how to “fix” each one, so they can fully be called versatile workers in their field: they can cope with the most complex malfunctions of any machine operated on the site. The best workers of the mechanical service department are Valentin Shtyrenko, an equipment repair mechanic, and Marlene Seit-Abla, a gas and electric welder.

The FPPAS’s staff understands the importance of its activities: eventually, how the products are packaged, how they are shipped, etc., determines what impression customers will have as a whole of our large enterprise. Therefore, we try to keep high the brand of the flagship of the non–ferrous metallurgy of Uzbekistan - Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex!


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