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Victories of our karatekas

12 September 2023, 8:37 960

From September 8 to 10, the 13th World Shotokan Karate-do Championship was held in Tashkent, in which about 3,000 athletes from 32 countries took part. It is worth noting that such a prestigious competition was held in our country for the first time.

Almalyk residents also fought for victory.

Asilabonu Kamoliddinova (school) became world champions. No. 52, Nurabad), Farzonabon Abdunazarova (school. No. 23), Zulaiho Boboeva, bronze medalists - Zarina Akhilboeva (school. No. 18), Sardorbek Rakhmonkulov (school. No. 20), Nozanin Toychiboeva (school. No. 18), Shavkat Turdaliev (school. No. 22). All of them are students of the FSO trainer of the Council of the Trade Union of Workers of Almalyk MMC JSC Maftuna Tadzhimuradova.

UKS process engineer Akhrorbek Akmalov took second place, European champion Javlonbek Tursunov, four-time champion of Uzbekistan Khurshid Abdukulov won bronze. They train with eight-time world champion, coach of the highest category, international master of sports, 5th dan holder Bahadir Boboev, who won among the veterans in these competitions.

In the final team competition, the Uzbekistan team took second place.

Khokim Bokhirov,

Head of the FSO Department of the Council

 of the Trade Union of AMMC Workers

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