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About the activity of the dairy farm

10 January 2024, 13:37 798

The team of dairy farm of consumer goods production department of JSC “Almalyk MMC” for many years provides quality sour-milk products for pupils of pre-school educational organizations and employees of AMMC, members of their families and townspeople.

Currently, the number of cattle on the farm is 1,147 animal units. Of these, 466 are dairy cows of Dutch and Swiss breeds: Holstein-Friesian, Schwyz Braun and Flake Weich. One such cow gives an average of 19-20 liters of milk per day. Thus, the farm produces a total of 6,500 liters of milk daily.

Calves are also raised on the farm. There are more than six hundred of them here. Caring specialists of the farm not only feed these babies, but also feed them with useful concoctions of herbs or rice.

By the way, the health of young and adult animals is monitored by the veterinary service together with veterinarian Ilkhom Akhmedov. As the veterinarian emphasized, observance of sanitary and epidemic norms of herd maintenance, as well as observance of feeding regime and variety of food additives allows to increase milk yield and fat content of milk. And, as a consequence, the planning and economic indicators grow.

Cows are kept in special stalls, and the process of machine milking takes place in a specially equipped room.

According to Shavkat Pulatov, zootechnician of DF of CGPD, in 2023 the farm’s labor collective produced 2,029 tons of milk, the forecast in this direction was fulfilled ahead of schedule. In addition, the farm team provided fairs organized on the eve of the New Year with quality dairy products and meat.

The milk processing workshop, equipped with the most modern equipment, meets international requirements. These are: a milk packaging machine with a capacity of up to 2 tons per hour; homogenizer, a kind of mixer that allows you to break down fat globules in milk and make it uniform in texture and fat content; separator with a capacity of 300 liters, intended for the production of cream with a fat content of 50%; a pasteurizer, which serves to heat milk to 90 degrees and quickly cool it (the pasteurization procedure is carried out to disinfect food products, and increases shelf life), etc.

Special tankers are installed in the workshop to store milk and skimmed milk. Modernization of the milk processing workshop made it possible to expand the range of fermented milk products, increase production volumes and, most importantly, improve quality.

It is pleasant to note that today the products produced at the dairy farm of CGPD of AMMC have already firmly taken their place on the tables of Almalyk residents. And the most important thing is that it is absolutely natural and is manufactured in compliance with all sanitary standards and technological requirements. After all, the motto of the farm workers is quality, integrity, reliability!

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