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New stages of cooperation with the freiberg mining academy

25 May 2023, 9:38 1939

Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine continues to work on expanding the facets of international cooperation. Including in the field of training highly qualified personnel for the divisions of the AMMC in foreign universities.

An example of this work was the meeting of the management of the plant with representatives of the Technical University of the Freiberg Mining Academy and the Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Saxony, which took place on May 17.

The rector of Technology University of the Freiberg Mining Academy Professor Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, Head of the Department of Companies and Communications of the Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Saxony Ms. Andrea Bulang, Dean of the Freiberg Mining Academy of Technology and Director General of the International Strategic Alliance Professor Fieback took part in the talks.

A video film was presented to the guests to get acquainted with the activities of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant.

Further, during the meeting, a number of important issues were discussed. Including the direction of students for master's and doctoral studies at the Freiberg University of Technology, the provision of internships for professors and students of this university, the organization of joint scientific research.

At the suggestion of the representatives of the plant, the tasks of attracting professors from the Freiberg Mining Academy to the Engineering School at the AMMC were considered.

The meeting was attended by a representative of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University. During the conversation, issues of organizing the educational activities of university students on the basis of joint educational programs 3 + 2 were touched upon.

Recall that the Technical University of the Freiberg Mining Academy is one of the ten best research universities in Germany.

After extensive discussions, representatives of Germany visited the copper processing plant No. 3, which is under construction.

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