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A modern engineering school will be established at AMMC

27 January 2023, 12:49 2129

On January 10, a videoconference was held under the chairmanship of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the development of industry and the identification of additional reserves, during which a number of tasks were identified.

In particular, the task of organizing the training and retraining of engineering personnel was noted separately. In order to create engineering schools, the relevant ministries and industry leaders were instructed to study the base of educational institutions by April 1, attract foreign specialists and develop programs and areas of study.

To fulfill these tasks in this direction, practical work has already begun at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex. These days, the management and responsible persons of the Complex are taking the first steps to organize an engineering school in Almalyk. Meetings are held daily with the participation of the complex specialists, at which organizational issues are discussed.

Yesterday, on January 26, one of such meetings was held at the Almalyk branch of National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys”, during which the activities of the training centers for engineers in the developed countries of the world were analyzed. The necessity of applying the experience of the USA, Israel, Canada and South Korea in this direction is noted.

Currently, the need for workers working in the mining and metallurgical industry is being studied.

In this school, training will be based on new pedagogical technologies with an emphasis on practice (40/60) in the following educational areas: geology, mine surveying, mining, enrichment, metallurgy, mechanics, energy, mining transport, automation.

The engineering school will train highly qualified specialists in the field of mining and metallurgical industry. It should be noted that the classes will be conducted by foreign teachers.

It is planned to launch the engineering school in May this year.

Information service

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