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What is enterprise transformation?

26 December 2023, 8:11 975

This and other questions were discussed during the seminar “Change Management – Transformation”, organized the other day for the heads of departments and services of the executive apparatus of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex.

The realities of the modern world are such that every enterprise wishing to remain profitable must systematically introduce the latest technologies that require employees to master new knowledge, skills and abilities. Transformation implies a program of systemic changes in the management of the enterprise, the purpose of which is to make production more efficient, effective and competitive.

During the seminar, the speaker was a PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Industrial Enterprise Management of the National Research Technological University “MISIS”.

Alexey Vladimirovich Mitenkov, an experienced specialist in the field of transformation, spoke about the causes of transformation failures, the formula for transformation success, why employees are subconsciously afraid of change, and much more.

It was noted that the goal of change management is to increase the probability of success, reduce costs and reduce employee stress. For top and middle managers to master change management, they should learn change management models, i.e., general concepts that describe how to implement change; leadership guidelines for change managers; tips and techniques for working with employees affected by change - how to motivate them, how to train them; and tips and techniques for changing corporate culture.

Alexey Mitenkov: Today we gave an express presentation, answering the question “What is transformation?”, “What change management methodologies exist?”, and discussed how it is implemented in practice. I was very pleased to work with such an interested team. Colleagues asked questions and raised pressing issues. I hope that the small skills, tools and concepts that I have shared today during this hour and a half will help each individual manager in his or her work. If we all successfully apply this toolkit, there will be this very transformation, this very change in our operating and behavioral model that will produce new results and new growth.

Such seminars help the specialists of the plant to get new knowledge, which will undoubtedly give a positive result in their further work.

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