Рус O'z En

4-019-0008 Information about the financial results of the plant's activities

Data count: 29

ID NAME OF INDICATORS INCOME (PROFIT) THE 1ST QUARTER OF 2023 (thousand soums) EXPENSES FOR THE 1ST QUARTER OF 2023 (thousand soums) INCOME (PROFIT) FOR THE 1ST QUARTER OF 2024 (thousand soums) EXPENSES FOR THE 1ST QUARTER OF 2024 (thousand soums)
1 Maxsulotlarni (ish va xizmatlar) sotishdan tushgan sof daromad 6976091149 * 6630734380 *
2 Sotilgan mahsulotlar, tovarlar, ishlar, xizmatlar tannarxi * 2847184235 * 2940566160
3 Mahsulot sotishdan olingan yalpi foyda (zarar) 4128906914 * 3690168220 *
4 Davr xarajatlari * 1386471677 * 1303525863
* shu jumladan: * * * *
5 - sotish xarajatlari * 19651897 * 16082069
6 - ma'muriy xarajatlar * 87019143 * 91164464
7 - boshqa operatsion xarajatlar * 1279800637 * 1196279330
8 Asosiy faoliyatning boshqa daromadlari 70958419 * 713067642 *
9 Asosiy faoliyatning foydasi (zarar) 2813393656 * 3099709999 *
10 Moliyaviy faoliyatning daromadlari 442654517 * 347050268 *
* shu jumladan: * * * *
11 - dividendlar shaklidagi daromadlar * * * *
12 - foizlar shaklidagi daromadlar * * * *
13 - uzoq muddatli ijara (lizing) bo'yicha foizlar shaklida xarajatlar * * 2466526 *
14 - valyuta kursidagi farqlardan daromad 442654517 * 344583742 *
15 - moliyaviy faoliyat bo'yicha boshqa daromadlar * * * *
16 Moliyaviy xarajatlar * 868301158 * 974176109
* shu jumladan: * * * *
17 - foizlar shaklidagi xarajatlar * 159353244 * 318075168

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Information about the financial results of the plant's activities

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Phone number:   +(998) 70 619-60-15


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Keywords corresponding to the content of the open data set (separated by commas) *

Olmaliq, AGMK, OKMK, kombinat

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