ID | Name of the object | The user of the object | Location | The series and number of the certificate of state registration of buildings and structures | Date of registration | Initial balance sheet valuation as of 1 January 2024 (thousand soums) | Maintenance costs for 9 months of 2024 (depreciation, heat and energy costs, water, current and major repairs, salaries of technical personnel, thousand soums) | Land area (sq.m.) | Construction area(sq.m.) | Number of buildings and structures (rooms) | Cadastral number |
21 | Qushxona | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani Quyun MFY | 1727212/R-A1970601 | 09.08.2021y. | 1420.5 | 0 | 0.3442 | 209.07 | 4 | 11:08:08:01:01:3632 |
22 | Parandachilik fermasi | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani YangIjtimoiy obyektlar boshqarmasiod MFY | 1727212/R-A1970570 | 09.08.2021y. | 17454557.17 | 1378715 | 2.49 | 3323.92 | 9 | 11:08:08:01:02:0801 |
23 | Biogaz va biogumus ishlab chiqarish bo'yicha uchastka | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani Янгиобод MFY | 1727212/R-A1970701 | 09.08.2021y. | 4975132.72 | 532955 | 0.62 | 1553.04 | 5 | 11:08:08:01:02:0800 |
24 | G'alla ombori | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani Quyun MFY | 1727212/R-A1970535 | 09.08.2021y. | 34391.15 | 0 | 1.68 | 3507.82 | 11 | 11:08:08:01:01:0953 |
25 | G'alla mahsulotlari va kombikormlar ishlab chiqarish bo'yicha sex (Tegirmon) | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani Quyun MFY | 1727212/R-A2727781 | 30.05.2022y. | 96347.03 | 0 | 0.56 | 733.36 | 9 | 11:08:08:01:01:0952 |
26 | Mashina-traktor parki (Garaj) | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani Quyun MFY | 1727212/R-A1970726 | 09.08.2021y. | 18805426.87 | 3213349 | 2.65 | 5050.43 | 18 | 11:08:08:01:01:0964 |
27 | Ukurbiloq nasos stansiyasi | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani Qiziloy MFY | 1727212/R-A1970677 | 09.08.2021y. | 2051260.56 | 6783429 | 1.38 | 406.61 | 3 | 11:08:08:01:03:0803 |
28 | Cho'chqachilik-qo'ychilik fermasi | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani YangIjtimoiy obyektlar boshqarmasiod MFY | 1727212/R-A1970495 | 09.08.2021y. | 5079363.81 | 534448 | 0.74 | 1490.41 | 8 | 11:08:08:01:02:0802 |
29 | Mramor sexi (mebel, akfa oyna sexi) | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri Sanoat zonasi | 1727404/R-A2177370 | 04.11.2021y. | 855600.12 | 217518 | 2.25 | 6018.93 | 7 | 11:18:03:03:02:1863 |
30 | Issiqxona | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri Sanoat zonasi | - | - | 248794.91 | 3458 | 4.49 | 11252.5 | 5 | 11:18:04:01:02:1355 |
31 | Ot fermasi №2. Inv. №90240 | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani Qiziloy MFY | 1727212/R-A2728416 | 30.05.2022y. | 3205.01 | 0 | 1.34 | 1373.31 | 4 | 11:08:08:01:03:0910 |
32 | Ot fermasi №1. Inv. №90241 | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Ohangaron tumani Qiziloy MFY | 1727212/R-A2728424 | 30.05.2022y. | 3805.33 | 0 | 1.86 | 897.2 | 2 | 11:08:08:01:03:0909 |
33 | Sobiq issiqxona binosi | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Piskent tumani Namuna MFY | - | - | 168972.12 | 11609 | 2.0175 | 397.94 | 4 | 11:10:11:01:01:1123 |
34 | №52 sonli do'kon | Iste'mol mollari ishlab chiqarish boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri Sanoat zonasi | 1727404/R-A3328198 | 07.12.2022y. | 369955.98 | 13869 | 0.0193 | 192.5 | 1 | 11:18:03:03:02:1950 |
35 | "Metallurg" yotoqxona | Ijtimoiy obyektlar boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri, Sh. Rashidova ko'chasi 29 | ТА №1158671 | 14.03.2011y. | 547598.70938 | 3470322 | 1.72 | 2211.15 | 1 | 11:18:02:06:01:0017 |
36 | Kasaba uyushmasi Kengashining ma'muriy binosi | Ijtimoiy obyektlar boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri Yoshlik ko'chasi 5 | ТА №1158676 | 14.03.2011y. | 50264.95 | 1885 | 0.11 | 547.5 | 2 | 11:18:02:06:04:0075 |
37 | KQB ma'muriy binosi | Ijtimoiy obyektlar boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri, A.Temur ko'chasi 1/1 | ТА №1158673 | 14.03.2011y. | 5062549 | 160001 | 0.19 | 963.8 | 1 | 11:18:02:01:01:0082 |
38 | UJTFB ma'muriy binosi | Ijtimoiy obyektlar boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri Yoshlik ko'chasi 3-3 | ТА №1158675 | 14.03.2011y. | 25494.55 | 7461 | 0.49 | 535.2 | 1 | 11:18:02:06:04:0074 |
39 | ma'muriy bino () | Ijtimoiy obyektlar boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri, Faxriylar 29 | ТА №1158678 | 14.03.2011y. | 819126.8 | 30642 | 0.07 | 543.25 | 1 | 11:18:02:05:01:0115 |
40 | Bino va inshoot (ombor) | Ijtimoiy obyektlar boshqarmasi | Toshkent viloyati, Olmaliq shahri, Oxunboboev ko'chasi | ТА №1272388 | 20.07.2011y. | 558.35 | 0 | 0.39 | 840.1 | 6 | 11:18:02:05:04:0240 |
Information about office housing and other immovable property at the disposal of Almalyk MMC JSC
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Olmaliq, AGMK, OKMK, kombinat24-01-2025
( 1 votes )
25-10-2024 Information about service houses and other real estate managed and owned by Almalyk MMC JSC
18-07-2024 Information about service houses and other real estate managed and owned by Almalyk MMC JSC
13-04-2024 Information about service houses and other real estate managed and owned by Almalyk MMC JSC
25-01-2024 Information about service houses and other real estate managed and owned by Almalyk MMC JSC
13-10-2023 Information about service houses and other real estate managed and owned by Almalyk MMC JSC
25-07-2023 Information about service houses and other real estate managed and owned by Almalyk MMC JSC
24-04-2023 Information about service houses and other real estate managed and owned by Almalyk MMC JSC
24-01-2023 Information about service houses and other real estate managed and owned by Almalyk MMC JSC