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Address of the chairman of the board of the Almalyk MMC

25 February 2022, 16:42 1846

According to the analysis, the most effective and efficient method of fighting against corruption is to ensure openness, publicity and transparency at every stage of activity.

In order to ensure the above-mentioned principles, a number of works have been carried out at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex and in its system. In particular:

  • In the executive office of AMMC, an internal control structure for fighting against corruption has been created - the Compliance and Monitoring of Production and Financial Risks Department, consisting of 2 services (departments), there is a staff of 12 units;
  • In cooperation with the Anti-Corruption Agency and the audit company «Ernst and Young Advisory», which is part of the global "Big Four", 16 internal regulatory documents of AMMC have been developed. 7 of them have already been approved and are being implemented in accordance with the established procedure;
  • All types of communication channels have been established to report corruption situations (helplines, call centers, e-mail, social media pages);
  • According to the program of the decade “Corruption is an obstacle to our development”, with the participation of responsible persons of the Anti-Corruption Agency, from November 22 to December 2, 53 various campaigning and propaganda events were held at the AMMC. In particular, educational and outreach events were organized at a high level: 9 open «round tables», 10 open days, 21 meetings on various topics, 10 regional and 1 final stages of the «Zakovat» intellectual game, in which the employees of the AMMC took part, 2 stage performances;
  • All purchases of the AMMC are carried out through a special electronic information portal of public procurement in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Public Procurement".

The practice of accepting commercial proposals in "paper" form in such types of procurement as a competition and tender has been completely eliminated. The procedure for placing proposals of participants in electronic form on a special information portal has been introduced.

This system allowed foreign manufacturers and enterprises to directly participate in public procurement. Thanks to the digitalization of procurement processes, a sharp reduction in the influence of the human factor has been achieved.

In addition, the technical specifications, calculations, announcements of tenders developed by AMMC specialists, as well as all types of purchases of the plant according to the relevant procurement documents will be carried out only on the basis of a positive conclusion submitted by the authorized state body - the Center for Comprehensive Expertise;

  • The Big Four international audit company «KPMG» conducted an audit of procurement processes to improve the efficiency of the AMMC’s anti-corruption system. Based on the findings and recommendations of the consultants, existing procurement systems have been improved based on international best practices.

The international audit company “KPMG” has developed a concept for the development of an “ERP system” for analyzing business processes, evaluating IT systems and managing purchases;

  • An extensive and systematic work has been carried out aimed at reducing the volume of imports of equipment, machine tools, spare parts and components, raw materials and other products.

Thus, it should be noted, such measures as ensuring the direct participation of manufacturers in procurement processes, the purchase of import-substituting products from domestic manufacturers, the production of goods purchased by import using the AMMC's capacities, and the optimization of contract prices through additional negotiations with suppliers.

In this regard, a catalog of more than 2,000 imported products was developed and presented at industrial fairs. Memorandums on cooperation with domestic manufacturers for the supply of import-substituting goods were also signed;

  • Effective public control over investment projects implemented by the AMMC was established. Thus, figures, reports and information about ongoing investment projects are regularly posted on the official website of AMMC, on the platform of the International Press Club, on YouTube, during press tours with the participation of journalists and bloggers, as well as in various media;
  • In order to collect reports and data of the AMMC, optimize the timing of budget planning, the AMMC introduced an automated information system for accounting and financial accounting and data consolidation;
  • A remote control system - GPS, as well as fuel control sensors on all mining dump trucks and mobile gas stations are installed on 1,700 vehicles of the AMMC. The work carried out last year resulted in savings of 16.8 thousand tons of diesel fuel;
  • In order to organize the recruitment process based on the principles of openness and transparency, a procedure has been established for accepting applications and resumes of citizens in electronic form, and a procedure for covering job competitions online is being introduced.

The principle of meritocracy is gradually being introduced at the plant and in its system. It provides the selection of the most deserving candidates with unique abilities in hiring, based on a rational and objective assessment of their professional qualities and special merits.

At the next stage, AMMC plans to obtain the international standard "Anti-Corruption Management Systems - Requirements and Recommendations for Application" and other internationally recognized certificates.

I express my confidence that the workforce of the plant - workers, engineers and specialists holding senior positions will become an example in strict observance of the legislative acts in force in our country adopted in order to fight against the corruption, generally recognized norms of international law and rules of professional ethics.


Chairman of the Board of JSC Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex,

Member Senator of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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