(+998 78) 141-90-99Helpline
(+998 71) 619-23-33The main activity of the copper beneficiation plant is the processing of copper-molybdenum ores from the Sari-Chokhki mine. In addition, it processes copper smelter dross and converter slag, which then produces copper concentrate.
The factory is located in the western part of Almalyk, 69 km south of Tashkent. The factory is connected to the general railway network of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The 2nd copper beneficiation plant was put into operation in 1954. The project was developed by the Mekhanobr Institute for the production of lead, zinc and pyrite concentrates based on a selective flotation scheme.
In August 1994, according to the order of AMMC, changes were made to the technological scheme of sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Sari Choqqi mine for the processing of copper ores.
From September 1994, processing of copper-molybdenum ores began in sections No 1, 2, 3.
Since March 1998, copper-molybdenum ores have been processed at all 6 sites.
Based on the order of the combine, in November-December 2004, industrial tests of copper ore and copper smelter rock mixture processing were conducted at the 2nd copper beneficiation plant, and positive results were obtained.
Since January 2005, the plant has started to separately process copper ore and copper smelter slag.
In order to further improve the management structure of Almaliq KMK JSC and on the basis of the order No. 436 of Almalyk MMC JSC dated July 25, 2011, the name of the lead-zinc beneficiation factory was changed to the name of the 2nd copper beneficiation factory from August 1, 2011.
At the 2-copper beneficiation plant, there are currently Grinding Department, Grinding and Flotation Department, Industrial Waste Storage Department, Mechanical Shop, Economic Department, Electrical Equipment and Communications Repair Department, Substation Department, NO'A and service A is operating.
Copper concentrator 2 produces collective copper molybdenum concentrate and copper concentrate from slag raw materials.
Head: Mirakhmedov Khasan Turgunovich
Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09