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Zink Plant

The increased demand for zinc metal is due to the growing demand for it in the automotive and engineering industries, as well as in the production of household appliances. JSC "Almalyk MMC", as a link in the production chain of the enterprise, has a Zinc Plant.

Kind of activity:

The treatment of zinc concentrate and industrial zinc-containing products. The major products are zinc metal, cadmium metal, sulfuric acid, powder-like zinc, the TsAM (ЦАМ) alloy, zinc oxide, as well as copper clinker and copper cake for the Copper smelter.

The plant was commissioned in September 1970. The production capacity was up to 120 thousand tons. metal zinc per year. It was designed for processing 20-25 thousand tons. own raw materials from lead-zinc deposits mined by the plant, and up to 100 thousand tons. - from imported concentrates.

The ore of the Kurgashinkan and Altyntapkan deposits, which was processed at the lead concentrating plant, served as its own raw material base.

In 1970 On September 30, the first pig zinc was obtained, three weeks later, on October 22, the first cadmium was obtained. In the same years, the construction of the third stage of the plant was launched – the complex of the Welz shop, which provides for the production and roasting of sublimates of zinc, lead and cadmium. With the completion of construction and launch on June 29, 1972. the first large-sized Welz furnace, the storage of zinc cakes was stopped, and work began to involve them in production.

The introduction for the first time in domestic practice of a new three-stage scheme for the purification of zinc solutions from impurities ensured the production of high-quality zinc electrolyte. As a result, the quality of cathode zinc has improved, and the extraction of zinc and cadmium has increased.

Thanks to the staff of the plant, they were mastered in 1973. the production of zinc sulfate and the production of a rare metal - indium, an important raw material for the needs of the national economy.

In 1975 construction and commissioning of the plant was completed in full scope of the design technology. Reconstruction and expansion were completed in 1982.

Since 1992, for the first time, the plant began to process tolling raw materials. In 1997 The zinc plant worked mainly on imported raw materials, under tolling agreements.

After mining the Kurgashinkan deposit and stopping the supply of ores from the Altyntapkan deposit in 1998, the lead-zinc concentrating plant was transferred to the processing of copper-molybdenum ores, at present the plant processes imported zinc concentrates from the CIS countries and other foreign countries.

In accordance with the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-442 of 10.08.2006 “On the efficient use of the mineral resource base of polymetallic ores of the Khandiza and Uch-Kulach deposits” and No. PP-1166 of 16.07.2009 in September 2010 GOK "Khandiza" was put into operation. The first batch of zinc concentrate was delivered to the plant in November 2010, and in December of the same year, the first zinc from the Uzbekistan deposit was received. The plant is currently processing its own and imported zinc concentrate.

In addition to zinc metal, the plant produces metal cadmium, sulfuric acid, zinc powder, Zamac alloy and technical zinc sulfate for the Khandiza plant, as well as copper clinker and copper cake for the copper smelter.

The zinc plant includes the following workshops:

Roasting shop equipped with fluidized bed furnaces, the products of which are zinc concentrate cinder and sulfur dioxide for sulfuric acid production.

The leaching workshop, equipped with reactors and thickeners, processes burnt zinc cinder and Waelz acids to obtain zinc-containing solutions to produce zinc metal. The leaching shop consists of departments: zinc cinder classification; neutral leaching of cinder and pulp thickening; processing of Waelz acids; copper-cadmium purification of the neutral solution from impurities and filtration of the lower drains of the thickeners with frame and disk vacuum filters.

Electrolytic shop equipped with baths for electrolysis of neutral zinc solution, furnaces ICK-40, and ICK-12. The shop's products are metal zinc. The electrolytic shop consists of departments: centralized vacuum evaporative cooling; zinc electrolysis; remelting cathodic zinc; processing of zinc drosses, a section for the preparation of zinc dust and powder, as well as an anode-cathode workshop.

The Waelz shop is equipped with rotary kilns measuring 50x3.6m and processes zinc-containing cakes. The shop's products are Waelz oxide and copper clinker. The Waelz shop consists of a filter-drying department, a raw material warehouse, a furnace department with a dust collection system, a roasting department, and a manganese ore grinding plant.

The cadmium shop processes the copper-cadmium cake of the leaching shop and receives metal cadmium, copper cake and zinc sulfate. The cadmium shop consists of sections for leaching, cementation and dissolution of cadmium sponge, electrolysis of cadmium, a section for remelting cathodic cadmium and a section for the production of technical zinc sulfate.

Sulfuric acid shop, processes waste gases from the roasting plant to produce sulfuric acid. The workshop consists of washing, drying-absorbing, contact departments and a warehouse for finished products. The plant also includes auxiliary subdivisions: an energy workshop that provides zinc production with electricity, compressed air, steam and water; mechanical repair department; chemical laboratory; transport and economic service.

Director: Utanov Farrukh Djabarovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09

E-mail: info@agmk.uz 

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