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Chadak mining administration

Type of activity: mining and processing of minerals containing precious metals.

The Mining Department consists of the following departments:

Pirmirob mine, where ore is mined underground.

Guzaksoy mine, where ore is mined underground.

Gold Refinery.

Mechanical repair section

Construction and repair site

Non-production support departments and services.

Geographical location. Pirmirob and Guzaksoy mines, together with their separate sections, form a group of Chodak gold mines. They are located in the area of Pop district of Namangan region, in the middle of the Chodak stream basin, on the southern slope of the Kurama ridge, 14 km away from the Tashkent-Osh international highway.

The mining area is represented by mountainous terrain with a very complex topography, the relative height of which is from 100 to 500 meters. The absolute level of the mine is 1000-1500m above sea level.

Economically, the ore field corresponds to the Fergana Valley. The nearest settlements to the mine are the village of Oltinkon, the village of Chodak - 8 km to the south, the village of Gulistan - 4 km to the north. Distance to Kokan and Pop - 60 km, Angren - 110 km, Almalyk - 170 km.

The mining area has sufficient infrastructure - highways, electrified Angren-Pop railway, power line, drinking and technical water supply.


Chodak mining district has been known since ancient times. From ancient times to the 12th century, mining operations were carried out here, traces of which are Dugan, Aktash, Dzhulay, "Levoberezhniy", "Juyi Zarshu" ("Golden Washed Stream"), preserved in the lower part of Chodak village. The name "Tillo Tepa" ("Hill for grinding gold ore") indicates that Chodak was part of a well-developed mining industry. However, in the 12th and 13th centuries, the mining industry declined in the entire Kurama district and was revived only in the 20th century. In the village of Chodak, gold and silver have been mined from scattered mines since ancient times.

The first information about the geological structure of the region was given by the end of the 19th century in the works of N. A. Seversev, I. V. Mushketov, G. D. Romanovsky and S. F. Mashkovsev. In particular, the systematic study of the entire Karamozor and Chodak district began in the 30s of the last century and in the post-war years with large-scale geological surveys on a scale of 1: 500,000. Prospective fields for copper, fluorite, lead, tin, silver and tungsten have been identified.

However, despite a long and serious geological study of the Kurama ridge, not a single large gold deposit that could become the raw material base of a mining enterprise was found. This led to a pessimistic assessment of the prospect of gold mining in the composite interval, and for many years there was an opinion among geologists that there were no indigenous gold deposits of industrial importance in Central Asia. Sarta - Butkan, Golduran, Ak-turpak, Ak-kan, Sary-tas, etc., although many small gold deposits and ores are known to occur.

At the same time, the general geological background, the presence of small gold deposits in it, the paragenetic diagram of the area with a number of deposits in the area showed a number of minerals (Pb, W, As, Sb, U, Cu, Zn, Ag), gold cannot play the last role in the geological process. That is why, for a long time, geologists of "Sredazzolotorazvedka", "Sredazsvetmetrazvedka" trusts and the Geological Department of Uzbekistan diligently searched for gold deposits.

Since 1949, a large exploration party "Uzgeolupravlenie" led by geologists Lunina L.G. and Lyashkevich D.P. worked in the area of Rezak, Chodak, Chorkesar and Gova river basins. Systematic and detailed exploration led to the discovery of polymetals, fluorite, rare elements and new large-scale manifestations of Silver.

Finally, 6a and 6-7 quartz veins were discovered during the mapping of the Pirmyrob mine area, which was considered promising for polymetals in 1951. Spectral analyzes of samples taken from these veins revealed the presence of gold and silver in thousandths and tenths of a percent.

In 1953, attention was paid to studying the gold content of quartz veins 6a and 6-7. For this, 600 m long trenches were excavated and two 10 m deep trenches were dug. The results of the selected samples showed the presence of industrial gold concentrations in veins 6a and 6-7, which allowed to roughly estimate the prospect of the Pirmirab mine and recommend it for preliminary exploration. This is a mining discovery.

In 1954, this mine was transferred to the "Sredazzolotorazvedka" trust, which began preliminary exploration and revision work in the area. In the course of these works, the prospects of the 6a vein were determined along the depth, and gold-bearing apophyses of the 6a vein, Guzaksoi and Julaisoi II gold deposits were identified.

In 1955, the "Sredazsvetmetrazvedka" trust created a group of parties to continue exploration work in the Pirmirob field and to continue exploration in the field. This period of activity is the name of geologists is related to: Potapov Yu. S., Potapova Ye. V., Sevashev V. I., Timofeyev Ye. P., Baibekov F. S., Krilov N. I., Averin Yu. A.

In 1957, in connection with the reorganization of hydrogeological research, the Chodak Geological Research Expedition was established within the Geological Department of Uzbekistan, which conducted systematic research within the scope of the ore deposit. Chodak GRE geologists Martinov V. V., Aleksandrov V. I., Averin Yu. A., Solovyov N. I., Buzrukov A. B. continued the in-depth study of the above-mentioned mines. The prospects of the Chodak ore deposit were studied, mineralogical, petrographic and structural studies were conducted, and the increase of the studied reserves was observed.

In August 1958, the USSR Council of Ministers decree No. 949-441 "On the design and construction of the Chodak gold mining enterprise, the first facility in Central Asia" was issued. On the basis of this decision, in October 1958, the Fergana Sovnarkhoz Council gave a planned assignment to the "Uzgiprosvetmet" institute to prepare a technical and economic report on the operation of the Chodak gold mine group, which consists of two mines (Pirmirob and Guzaksoy). The report was completed in 1959 by the Uzgiprosvetmet Institute.

According to Protocol 3302 of February 25, 1961, the State Commission on Reserves under the Council of Ministers of the USSR approved the reserves of the Pirmirob and Guzaksoy mines.

“O‘zgiprosvetmet” Institute has developed the project assignment for the construction of Chodak mine according to the order No 999 dated 2 August 1961 of the Board of the Economic activity of Uzbekistan USSR and assignment dated September 1961 by State mining and metallurgy industry of Uzbekistan USSR.

On April 1965 The directorate of Chodak mine and processing plant, which is being built as part of Shorsuv sulfur-ozokerite mine, was established and it carried out the independently its activity under the structure of the Directorate General of Gold-Platinum starting from November 1965 and Diamond Industry of USSR and the newly established Uzbekoltin exploration and exploitation association starting from 1967.

Construction works were carried out by the 14th trust of the Ministry of Construction of the Uzbek USSR and many subcontractors.

On May 4, 1970, the first Chodak gold mine in the history of Uzbekistan was opened and put into operation.

Chodak gold mine located at “Uzbekoltin” association was included in “Almalyk Mining Metallurgical Complex” JSC on 1 June 2002 and renamed as Chodak mining department according to the resolution No 145 “On measures to improve the management structure of the gold mining industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated 26 April 2002 of the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Since 2002, approximately 9 million tons of ore have been processed at the Chodak mine which is under the structure of "Almalyk MMC" JSC and at the same time, the State Geological Committee and the joint-stock company carried out exploration work on replenishing the resource base in order to extend the service life of the enterprise.

In the last ten years (2010-2020), more than 1.6 million tons of ore reserves were added to the Pirmirob and Guzaksoy mines, more than 1.8 million tons of ores containing planned gold and silver were mined and processed. , more than 32 km of prospecting, more than 38 km of preparatory work were carried out, more than 535 thousand m3 of ores were mined and processed.

Separate plots of the Pirmirob mine, namely old shaft No 7 first horizon (1375m), shaft No 8, second horizon No 48 (1335m), shaft No 10 third horizon (1292m), and shaft No 45 fourth the horizon (1242m) was restored processing of abandoned rock was renewed.

The remaining reserves of the lower horizons of the South, II - South Pirmirob, intermediate and Aktash sections are being worked to the end. To date, exploration and mine preparation works are being carried out in the lowest horizon (993) crossed by a slope No 57.

After the Chodak mine became a part of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, the quarry drainage and the extraction of the slopes and deep reserves remaining in the development of underground reserves were started. This allowed access to the lowest horizons of ore bodies in the Guzaksoy mine, such as the South-Western, Akbulok, Julaisoi II, Central and Northern Guzaksoy sections.


Currently, Chodak Mining Department is one of the enterprises with the most underserved mineral resource base, after 50 years of operation, the resource balances studied for its profitable operation remain for 8 years. It should be noted that these indicators are very relative and have been proven by the experience of the past 10 years, because due to the efforts of mine management and experts and mine administration, the development of previously unexplored reserves and the replenishment of previously considered non-industrial reserves are being successfully carried out. The development of geological prospecting and the expansion of the mineral resource base for which reasonable information is available can extend the life of the mine for several decades instead of one. The nearby Rezak-Sarvak, Chakmoktash and Gova mines are encouraged by promising exploration resources.

Director: Mirakhmedov Abdikhallok Meliboyevicha

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09

E-mail: info@agmk.uz

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