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Conference dedicated to the results of the implementation of the collective agreement for 2023

27 May 2024, 13:21 452

A collective agreement is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations in an organization and is concluded by employees and the employer represented by their representatives.

On May 23, an online conference of the workforce of Almalyk MMC JSC was held on the implementation of the plant’s collective agreement for 2023 and the conclusion of a new collective agreement for 2024-2025. Delegates from workshops and divisions of the plant took part in its work online.

According to the agenda of the conference of the labor collective, Sadi Shermatov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Personnel and Social Issues of Almalyk MMC JSC, presented a report on the fulfillment of obligations by the employer.

The employer's report discussed in detail the implementation of investment projects, modernization programs, technical and technological re-equipment of production, fulfillment of forecast indicators, activities carried out as part of reducing the cost of products, saving fuel and energy resources. The employer has carried out certain work in such sections of the collective agreement as meeting the social needs and interests of workers, cultural, recreational and sports work. A lot has been done, but the AGMK team faces tasks that require intense and responsible work of each structural unit, each worker, strict discipline and personal responsibility from the manager to the worker at each site.

Work in the trade union organization of the plant was reflected in the report of the Council of the Trade Union of Workers of Almalyk MMC JSC, representing the workforce of the plant. The Chairman of the Trade Union Council of AGMK workers, Abdurashid Khaidarov, made a report on this issue.

It was noted that some work was carried out to protect the interests of workers in need of increased social support. The trade union organization studied locally such issues as the condition of sanitary facilities, health centers, the provision of special clothing, safety footwear, personal protective equipment, and personal protective equipment. Inspections of all canteens of the plant were carried out, reports were drawn up and handed over to officials to eliminate the identified violations. In order to strengthen knowledge on occupational safety and generalize best practices, seminars on occupational safety and various competitions, including professional skills, were held. Morbidity monitoring was carried out, the reasons for the increase in sick leave were studied, and visits to patients at home were organized. The management and the Council of the Trade Union of AGMK Workers work among young people, paying great attention to the implementation of benefits and additional guarantees provided for by labor legislation for women. For the workers of the plant, seminars were held with the participation of doctors, family sports competitions, children's competitions, professional skills competitions, exhibitions of applied art, charity events in assigned schools and kindergartens, “Spirituality Hours”, trips to theaters, parks, museums, historical and cultural events were organized. sights of our republic. Another important area of ​​the trade union’s work is the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the promotion of physical culture and sports in the divisions of AGMK, and the improvement of the health of the plant’s workers and members of their families. In addition, various cultural, spiritual and educational events were systematically carried out both for AGMK employees and for non-working pensioners.

The main task of both the management of AGMK and the Trade Union Council is to ensure the well-being of workers. Monitoring the implementation of the terms of the collective agreement over the past year showed the result of this joint work.

The report also identified priority tasks that need to be addressed in 2024: special control over the implementation of the State program “Year of Support for Youth and Business”, actively continue work on occupational safety, strengthen spiritual and educational work, ensure prompt and thorough consideration of requests and resolution of issues concerning the legitimate interests of citizens.

The implementation of the points of the collective agreement in the departments, the state of labor protection, industrial safety, social protection of workers, work among women and with youth, the process of improving the health of workers, the achievements of the physical culture and sports department of the Council of the Trade Union of AGMK Workers were spoken by representatives of the International Federation of Federation, RU "Handiza" speaking in the debate ", NPO PRMiTS, ChRU, ARU, physical education and sports department, Palace of Culture "Metallurg" and others.

We would like to add that, in general, the work of the management and the Council of the AGMK Workers' Trade Union in implementing the collective agreement was considered satisfactory. Based on the results of the conference, resolutions were adopted on the implementation of the collective agreement of AGMK for 2023, the conclusion of a collective agreement of Almalyk MMC JSC for 2024-2025.

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