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(+998 71) 619-23-33Recently, a meeting of the labor collective of the AMMC Technological Transport Department was held, during which the results of work in 2024 were summed up and tasks for 2025 were defined.
The event was attended by the Director of the AMMC Transport and Logistics Department Rustam Sanakulov, the management and responsible persons of the UTT divisions.
The Acting Head of the UTT summed up the results of the labor collective's work for 2024. During the year, 54,645.6 thousand cubic meters of rock mass were transported, 5 BelAZ dump trucks were repaired, and another one is under repair. Restoration work was also carried out on 3 excavators of various models.
In order to reduce production costs, the central repair and mechanical complex is repairing blocks and crankshafts of BelAZ-75131 dump trucks. Preparations are ongoing in the large-size tire repair shop: one of the three stands has already been put into operation. Thanks to measures to reduce production costs, it was possible to save 1,737.6 billion soums, 1,662.3 tons of fuel and 109,086.0 kW of electricity.
Rustam Sanakulov pointed out the need to eliminate the shortcomings made in 2024 and to fully implement the 2025 tasks. He emphasized that the successful achievement of the intended goals is possible with a conscientious approach by each employee, the elimination of downtime of technological transport and the timely execution of repair work.
The chief engineer, heads of the labor protection and safety departments, wages, operations, as well as the head of the shop also spoke at the meeting and reported on the work done over the year.
The event was held in a critical manner, with attention focused on the need for a responsible approach to the performance of job responsibilities.
Bakhriddin Usvaliev,
Assistant to the Head of UTT for Youth Affairs
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