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Services and departments first deputy Chairman of the board for economics, finances and transformation


Chief accountant: vakancy

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09

E-mail: info@agmk.uz

Major tasks:

  • Formation of complete and reliable data on business processes, the status and movement of assets, the status of liabilities and the results of the Complex activities in the accounting accounts, necessary for economic analysis and making management decisions.

  • Ensuring control over the availability and movement of property, the use of labor, material and financial resources in accordance with approved standards, regulations and estimates.

  • Participation in the implementation of accounting automation.

  • Keeping records of the movement of the Complex assets, sources of their formation and control over their correct use.

  • Control over the correctness of accounting and storage of equipment and inventory items in the warehouses of divisions.

  • Conducting annual and periodic inventories of balance sheet items, correct and timely reflection of their results in accounting and reporting.

  • Control over the legality of business and financial transactions and timely notification of management of all cases of overspending, theft, losses and the development of measures to prevent them.

  • Control over the preparation of reporting cost estimates for manufactured products, work performed and services rendered.

  • Maintaining records and monitoring the timeliness of settlements with: other debtors and creditors; suppliers and contractors; customers; the budget and off-budget target funds; the State Customs Committee; for shipped and sold products; other obligations.

  • Preparation of data and timely notification of the Complex management about the presence of overdue accounts receivable and payable for settlements with suppliers and contractors, customers and other settlements.

  • Implementation of records: movement of funds and profitability on long-term investments;

  • for internal settlements; expenses not included in the production cost (period expenses); movement of foreign currency for opening and executing import letters of credit; movement of retained earnings; capital construction costs; movement of assets and individual business transactions under control in off-balance sheet accounts; for travel expenses; movement of funds in national and foreign currency.

  • Maintaining records of settlements with workers and employees, accounting of accruals and deductions on wages of auxiliary units.

  • Carrying out operations on receipt from the bank, acceptance, storage and issuance of funds in national and foreign currency.

  • Drawing up a commodity balance and a balance of income and expenses of auxiliary units and for the Complex as a whole.

  • Drawing up consolidated accounting, tax and other reports for the Complex and submitting them in the prescribed manner to the relevant authorities.

  • Ensuring the safety of accounting documents and their execution in the established manner for transfer to the archive.

  • Timely execution of documents of higher organizations, orders, instructions and orders of the Complex management and immediate supervisor.



Head: Muratov Mansur Makhmutovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09

E-mail: info@agmk.uz

Major tasks:

  • Providing the Complex with financial resources, fulfillment of forecast targets, timely payment of wages, pensions, and assistance to workers and employees, as well as timeliness of liabilities payments to the budget, off-budget funds, bank, suppliers, and contractors.
  • Ensuring the safety and effective use of the fixed assets and circulating assets, and financial resources of JSC ‘Almalyk MMC’.



Head: Akhmetov Aidarbek Akhmetovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09

E-mail: info@agmk.uz

Major tasks:

  • introduction in JSC Almalyk MMC (hereinafter - the Company) and its structural subdivisions of the compliance system that meets the requirements of the international anti-corruption standard ISO-37001:2016, as well as its development;
  • timely identification and elimination of causes and conditions of corruption in the Company and its structure;
  • prevention of corruption offenses in the Company and its structure;
  • systematic improvement of legal awareness and legal culture of employees of the Company and its structural subdivisions in order to form an intolerant attitude towards corruption;
  • organization of preventive anti-corruption measures in the Company and its structural subdivisions, ensuring execution of documents in the field of combating corruption;
  • improving the Company’s anti-corruption activities;
  • prevention of corruption offenses in the Company;
  • control and ensuring the effective functioning of the Company’s anti-corruption system.


Head: Nizomov Mahmud Minovarovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09

E-mail: info@agmk.uz

Major tasks:

  • Forecasts for the production activity of JSC ‘Almalyk MMC’, and managing the work on economic matters.
  • Regular improvement of the analytical work, development of methodical guidance materials on shop feasibility planning.
  • Development of contractual prices for the output products, services rendered, and also of internal target calculated prices for mutual settlements of accounts between the Complex’ subdivisions.
  • Fulfillment control of long-range and current forecasts for the production and economic activity, generalization of the Complex’ resulting activity, and working out the technical-economical performances of JSC ‘Almalyk MMC’ in whole.
  • Analyzing the output product cost price, seeking reserves to cut production costs, and general management of developing and implementation of cost saving measures.
  • Providing well-timed submission of statistical and other requested reports about JSC ‘Almalyk MMC’.



Head: Kambarov Abduraim Mukumzjоnovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09

E-mail: info@agmk.uz

Major tasks:

  • Regular improvement of work organization and measurement, payment and material encouragement system with the aim to manufacture high-quality, competitive products on the basis of rational use of labor potential of each worker.
  • Proper application of payment form and systems, Unified wage tariff scale, and technically based labor standards and norms.
  • To implement the major tasks, the Department coordinates activity of the JSC’s enterprises, divisions and services in terms of labor and wages organization.


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