Services and departments of the deputy Chairman of the Board for Prospective development and investments
Head of Department: Kamilov Mirzohid Zafardzhanovich
Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09
Main tasks and functions of the department:
- coordination of technical audit of production facilities for their compliance with modern technologies, with initiation and development, based on its results, of designs for modernization of equipment and technical processes of existing production facilities;
- coordination of marketing research of the product range produced and potentially possible for mastering of production, with introduction of proposals for initiating projects for the production of new types of products;
- coordinating interaction with foreign organizations – designers and owners of modern technologies, studying the feasibility of involving them as strategic partners for implementation of projects for the modernization and production of new types of products;
- coordinating the development of proposals for annual updating of programs for modernization and development of sectors and organizations, indicating the list of projects and sources of their financing;
- implementation of the necessary measures to organize development and examination of pre-design documentation for facilities included in the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Addressable List of the Plant's construction sites;
- organization of competitive bidding (tenders) for imports related to implementation of the projects;
- monitoring implementation of the projects;
- development and implementation of action programs to ensure the timely and effective implementation of projects strictly in accordance with their implementation schedules agreed and approved by stakeholders;
- preparation and submission of proposals for improvement of the relevant regulatory legal acts.