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Training Center

The training center was established on October 1, 2001 by order of JSC “Almalyk MMC” No. 590k dated September 28, 2001, in order to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of the plant's employees.

In 2009, personnel training, as an integral part of the personnel management process, was recognized by the international certification body TUV CERT under TUV NORD CERT GmbH as complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015

Structure, material and technical base, states

Organized as a separate structural subdivision as a workshop, the Training Center has at its disposal a separate educational and administrative building for 170 seats (6 classrooms), as well as 24 classrooms for 614 seats, located in the structural subdivisions of JSC “Almalyk MMC”.

Composition and directions of works

The work of the Training Center of JSC “Almalyk MMC” is carried out in 5 main areas:

  • on-the-job training sector for workers;
  • sector of advanced training of engineers with and without interruption from work, workers studying on the basis of contracts with a break from work;
  • sector of training specialists with higher education;
  • sector of industrial practice of university students and college students;
  • sector of methodical work.

The work is carried out on the basis of local regulatory documents developed at the plant and regulating all aspects of personnel training and education:

  • Regulations on the Training Center of JSC "Almalyk MMC";
  • Regulations on advanced training and retraining of personnel in JSC “Almalyk MMC”;
  • Standard of the organization "Training programs for retraining and advanced training of personnel";
  • Standard of the organization "The procedure for training specialists with higher education for JSC" Almalyk MMC "in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation;
  • Regulations on the industrial practice of students of higher educational institutions at the enterprises of JSC "Almalyk MMC";
  • Regulations on the industrial practice of students of professional colleges in JSC “Almalyk MMC”.

Training planning

The request-plan for retraining and advanced training of personnel is developed annually by the Training Center, based on applications from the plant's divisions, drawn up taking into account the need for skilled workers for the planned year and the need to improve the production and technical qualifications of workers, managers and specialists.

The approved application-plan is a guiding document for the organization of educational work for the current year.

Teaching staff in the system of vocational training

Experienced specialists from the structural divisions of the plant, who have the appropriate education, work experience in their specialty and have been certified for the right to teach, are involved as teachers in the training of workers within the enterprise.

Practical training is carried out by industrial training instructors from among highly qualified workers.

Workers on-the-job training sector 

Main objectives of the sector:

  • Organization, control and coordination of industrial training of workers and employees in the divisions of the plant;
  • Organization of retraining courses, advanced training courses for workers and employees of the plant, held directly at the Training Center or in the classrooms of structural divisions;
  • Organization of exams to test the knowledge of managers and specialists responsible for carrying out work at facilities subordinate to the State Inspectorate "Goskomprombez".

Training of workers provides for the following types of vocational training:

  • retraining of workers;
  • skill development of workers.

Training of workers is carried out both with a break and on the job, individually and in courses.

Retraining of workers is organized to expand the professional profile of workers, as well as for combined professions in accordance with production needs. In addition, retraining is organized for newly hired workers who need training for the purpose of retraining.

Advanced training is carried out in 2 areas:

  • training in order to increase the category and class;
  • training in order to maintain knowledge and skills at the achieved level.

Retraining and advanced training of personnel are carried out according to the training programs, which are compiled by the specialists of the enterprise, agreed with the chief specialists of the plant and the Training Center and approved by the chief engineer of the plant. Curricula are the main document that determines the content, volume and duration of training.

It is essential in the training of workers that the examinations are taken by the commission of the customer unit and thereby assess the quality of training.

Managers and specialists skill upgrading sector

Main objectives of the sector:

  • organization and control of advanced training of managers and specialists with and without interruption from production, workers with interruption from production;
  • retraining of managers and specialists.

The training of managers and specialists of the plant is carried out both at the Training Center, on-the-job and off-the-job, and in educational institutions of the Republic, near and far abroad.

Basic educational institutions are:

  • Institute of Civil Protection
  • Center for advanced training and retraining of railway workers with their own railway tracks under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • State Enterprise “Institute for advanced training and retraining of personnel in the geological industry;
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Kontechnazoratukuv" under the State Committee "Industrial Safety" of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • OOO "Profresurs";
  • State Institution “Research Institute for Standardization, Certification and Technical Regulation (Institute of Standards) under the agency “Uzstandard”;
  • Institute for retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of preschool educational institutions;
  • Institute for the Improvement of Physicians.

More than 1500 people improve their qualifications annually. from among managers and specialists, incl. more than 400 people in the centers of advanced training, with a break from production.

Training of specialists with higher education

In order to train specialists with higher education for the technological production of the plant, JSC “Almalyk MMC” cooperates with leading higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation, such as:

  • Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov;
  • Almalyk branch of NUST MISIS;
  • Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov;
  • Tashkent State Transport University;
  • Tashkent University of Information Technologies;
  • Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction;
  • National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek;
  • Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology;
  • Tashkent State University of Economics;
  • National Research Technological University "MISiS" in Moscow.

Sector of industrial practice of students of universities and students of professional colleges

Main objectives of the sector:

  • organization and control of the passage of all types of practice, study tours for students of professional colleges and students of universities;
  • organization of comprehensive cooperation with professional colleges assigned by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the plant.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 6, 2019 No. 5812, in order to organize the passage of industrial and undergraduate practice and further employment of graduates, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical College was assigned to JSC “Almalyk MMC”.

For 1st and 2nd year students of professional colleges, familiarization excursions and meetings with the leading specialists of the plant are organized annually.

Methodological work sector 

Main objectives of the sector:

  • methodological support of the educational process;
  • organization of development, processing and coordination of programs for retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists of the plant;
  • providing methodological assistance to freelance teachers of theoretical training and instructors of industrial training;
  • advanced training of teachers, instructors (masters) of industrial training;
  • quality control of personnel training;
  • control of work with educational and methodical documentation.

Much attention at the plant is paid to the methodological support of the educational process. In addition to developing training programs, methodological work is carried out with freelance teachers and instructors. More than 300 training programs have been developed, covering more than 160 professions. The fund of visual aids and technical literature is being updated.

Since 2005, training effectiveness has been regularly evaluated.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training is carried out according to 4 parameters:

  • Reaction: evaluation of trainees' satisfaction with training;
  • Assimilation: assessment of knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process;
  • Behavior: assessment of employee behavioral changes as a result of training;
  • Efficiency: implementation of the training plan, uniformity of training throughout the year, increase in the actual average category of workers, the amount of training per 1 employee in relation to the total number.

Acting Head of the center: Daniyar Karimov Dilmuratovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09

E-mail: info@agmk.uz

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